• Blog your pepper progress. The first image in your first post will be used to represent your Glog.

2019 the year of the Scotch Bonnet

I have more than enough SB seeds now, way more than I have room to grow for, so I decided to create a poll to let you people help me in selecting the most interesting varieties! :)
I'm not going to start my grow just yet, that will have to wait for somewhere in February. That is, if I can wait that long! :D
I want to limit my grow to 10 varieties. I can stretch this to 12 if absolutely neccessary but I prefer not to.
So let me know what you think!
Whew! Dodged a bullet, there, Marc. Kudos to
your spouse for running the salvage operation!
Glad no harm done. Especially since you limited
the grow to five Bonnett plants!
Luckily the scotch bonnet plants are already quite strong so they didn't suffer. Not so for the still much smaller annuum plants though. But they still came out fine yesterday.
But this morning we found the exact same scene again!  :shocked: I guess the cat must find it amusing!  :mad: This time some of the annuums did suffer and to make things worse the damaged plants are exactly the ones that I want most! We fixed everything up again and I expect the damaged plants will survive. I put the plants now at a place out of reach of cat paws but it is a darker spot that I wanted to avoid. Still the best option until I can put them outside but that is still way too early...
That was an empathy "like" on your last post.  Really unfortunate about the cat getting into the plants and also losing the premium sun spot as a result.  Hope there are no more issues and you can make it the rest of the way to plant-out safely!  Fortunately plants can be pretty resilient. 
The Black River Red scotch bonnet is flowering now! :) Two flowers are already open.
That plant is a real beauty, a really strong stem with strong, dark green leaves. Definitely the nicest of my (remaining) bonnet plants! Thanks for the seeds John aka Trident chili!

It's been a while since I wrote something here and that's just because... well... there's just nothing to say!
It looks like my chili season is not going anywhere this year... :( Plants have been outside for a while now. But there's no growth! Temperatures have been too low all the time. The remaining bonnet plants have been carrying small fruitlets for weeks but they don't increase in size. They are all smaller than 1 cm. The annuum plants that I've been growing do a little better but still not what I would like to see. Last year I already had a harvest around this time... The fact that I don't have a greenhouse is a real disadvantage now.
Anyway, yesterday I noticed that one of those tiny, less than a cm large Black River Red bonnets had changed color to orange! :) This morning I gave it a try. There was just a little heat. Taste was nice and sweet. I expected a habanero-ish taste as it had that smell a bit but it was nothing like that. It was actually very sweet and I really liked the taste. Of course I have no idea what the real thing would taste like as I never had a bonnet before but my hopes are high now! :)
Oh and by the way... 1 cm is about 0.4"  :D
Good to catch up with you Marc .... the weather has been pretty poor here and I am sure your having the same in Belgium however I am sure your season will kick on once we get that promised summer. Good luck with the Black River I am sure as the plant fully matures they will go red.

I will find you a picture .... seed originally came from a THP forum member Pulpiteer from Michigan. One of his parishioners gathered a few bonnets by the Black River on the south Jamaican Coast
I enjoyed your GLog thus far, Marc.

My cat doesn't overturn pepper plants, but he loves to graze on them. He prefers the tender young leaves found saving the newest growth, but all leaves are fair game. I have to keep the door to my grow room closed bc of him, and he has been known to take advantage of even two minute security lapses during the shuffle to harden plants off.

He's lucky he's cute.
Found a third ripe pod on the black river red. Tiny and orange like the other ones, but this one had some heat, although just a mild heat. The bean flavor was also there, but there was that typical hab flavor also that I'm not very fond of. :D
Heat wasn't that much but earlier today I bit my tonge during eating. Yeah how dumb can you be... The heat of the pepper caused a stinging pain in the wound! :(
Way to go Marc!

Maybe you have found a new way to
augment the pepper eating experience!
Well the black river red is producing some nicer pods now. Heat level is not too much for me, I just ate one complete pod. Initially I just got a sweet taste. Heat came later and built slowly to a drool level. Taste was better than the average hot annuum which usually just taste bitter to me. No bitterness in this one though.

Unfortunately this is the only bonnet plant that actually produces. The papa dreadie has only 2 pods. The scotch brains only one single. The plants do well though...
Good looking pods Marc.  Hope the others get in gear for you.  Some of my bonnet varieties tend to lag, notably the P Dreadie.  Without a greenhouse currently, do you have any way of extending your season to bolster production?
CaneDog said:
Good looking pods Marc.  Hope the others get in gear for you.  Some of my bonnet varieties tend to lag, notably the P Dreadie.  Without a greenhouse currently, do you have any way of extending your season to bolster production?
I don't really expect much more from the other plants. Lots of flowers though but no fruit setting. It's already a bit late in the season also maybe. The 3 plants grow together in one large container and is a bit large to bring inside. At least I have one or two pods on the other plants so I will be able to taste them. If I like it I might start another grow next season [emoji846]
Hey Marc, too bad your season isn't going to plan. I also have problems with the Chinenses. The only ones that are producing properly are two CGN 21500 that I planted back in November. The others are just starting now. Loads of flowers now though, and I think these next days are going to be warm! I hope it's the same in Belgium.
I noticed that until this week they just didn't produce a lot of pollen. I tried to do some crosses but I just couldn't get enough pollen off of the Chinenses. This week though, I got loads of pollen from almost all flowers. I have hopes they'll push out a nice round of pods still. Maybe with you it's the same!
Edit: I see they predict temperatures in the 30s this weekend in Schoten as well. The SBs will love that for sure!