• Blog your pepper progress. The first image in your first post will be used to represent your Glog.

2024 Glog :(

Well all my stuff got wiped out by mice. What else is their to say.
Last year Grasshoppers wiped out many peoples gardens as well as mine.
Sine of the times ???

Peppers, Corn, the only thing they didn't like was my Acorn Squash. Its on my porch flowering and has three fruit.

Got about five pepper plants on the porch that survived the Aphid wars, most others did not. About 20 pots from last year.
Might start a few seeds again, gonna rely on some store versions for now.

Night temps still below 0c at times and their calling for snow now and then. Had a bit of hail this morning but only lasted a couple minutes.
Wind is icy cold at times.

Thats about it.


Glad to hear that the growing weather is on the way, DF. Seems that despite the shorter season your plants really grow fast once nature finally throws the switch.

Those ROF sprouts look great! I grow them every year now after you shared the seeds with me. They're fast growing and way productive. Just the thing to get you going in a hurry!