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seeds 2nd posting, Germination ideas for others?

I'll try to be shorter in this post. After not having no luck in getting my peppers to sprout. I tried this. Maybe it will help others..maybe you all know about it!

I am using my AeroGrow garden lights for light. Since being outside does nothing! I picked out 5 of my hottest peppers, and hardest to germinate, and I am trying this. I put a light soil mix in 3in pots,labeled the pots,and planted 10 seeds in each pot. Then I covered them each with clear plastic wrap and put an elastic band around them to keep it on. A mini greenhouse! They are under the AeroGarden lights. Now in 4 days I have my first 'Lemon Drop' pepper seedlings! Yesterday there was nothing. Today, I have 7,and the other 3 are coming up!. The other varieties haven't sprouted yet.

Has anyone tried something like this..maybe on a window ledge or under artificial lights? These other peppers are suppose to take up to a month to sprout...the 'Lemon Drop' is suppose to be at least a few weeks. So 4 days is unreal! I am hoping this is a great tip for others. But has anyone else tried this already,and I haven't heard of this method?? What is going on here? I figure outside in the hot sun, and heat, would germinate my peppers,but instead, my indoor hydroponic garden light,in the A/C, is sprouting my seeds! And this plastic covered pot idea. It is doing the trick!

Once I get this 70 cell 'spouting tray', to put in one of my AeroGardens, that will tell me if this AeroGarden is THE germination factory I need for my peppers! Luckily I have 2 of them. 1 is being used to grow petunias, and the other has my 2 Bhut Jolokias in it and some Zinnias. So I can use it for the germination tray. Once the zinnias bloom:).

So..just wanted to mention the covered plastic pots and the indoor AeroGardens as germination places/ideas. Have others known about this covered pot idea all along? Any other ideas for you can let me in on, to get some germination going on here. It is already late in the season. I am hoping I GET peppers as it is!
Flex said:
I dont put mine underlights to germinte... they dont need light until they surface/sprout...

Exactly, all they need at this point is heat. At this time of the year, a mini greenhouse on a sunny window sill will do. What RB suggested will work fine, too.

My germination setup is very simple:


During winter, the heating below the gh will deliver the heat, in summer the sun does the job.
You have to be careful about putting covered seedlings in direct sunlight because the heat can build up to a point that it may actually kill the sprouts before they emerge. If you're going to cover the containers you should either put them in a dark place or under artifical light.

I usually plant mine in 8oz styrofoam cups and put them uncovered under fluorescent lights and just leave them there until it's time to harden them for planting outside.

I've also used the paper towel/coffee filter method that rainbowberry mentioned. This method is very good about cutting out wasted space from seeds that don't sprout because you can see which seeds are going to sprout before you put them in the soil.
