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hot-sauce 2ndary effects of hot sauce or peppers?

That Man VS Food guy is insane... not even just for the heat.. but the volume of saturated fat that guy sucks back in one sitting... and he does it multi times a month... the heat is kinda crazy too on a couple of the changes he did... that one with the hot wings where they poured the extra cooked sauce in a tub and kept reusing it time and time again.... I would think that would be one hell of a health code violation.. even if it is re-cooked

Perhaps recooking and all the extract in it kills any bacteria... but still....that thing looked NASTY!!

"that one" with the reused 3 year old+ sauce, the container of poor judgement, that's Caliente's in Richmond.
I have jars of some bad sauce attempts. Although they would never become part of a new sauce, they will be spread around some of my seedlings that are going in some isolated wild places.
Hmmm never experienced the fire water... but having 3 or so very hot habs in a night with minimal food after a week of not eating them will give me the flaming squirts... explosively messier but I guess it is still essentially a liquid... does that count?

A couple of Habaneros eaten on an empty stomach can get the fire water happening the next day.;)

Ive never had fire water either,sounds like something penicillin might clear up! :D

Well a little heat in your water as it passes out the spout is okay.

But if it continues well after you've eaten anything hot, a trip to see the local health nurse might be in order.;)

Well a little heat in your water as it passes out the spout is okay.

But if it continues well after you've eaten anything hot, a trip to see the local health nurse might be in order.;)

SO......don't mix tequila, superhot peppers, and super loose women. OR stock up on moldy bread. lol
Had the pee sting last night, after sampling some yellow7 :) it wasn't so bad!

you're correct, the stream of fire is not that painful but if you've never had it before, the 1st time sure makes you go umm :think: what do ya got gonna on down there :shocked: :scared: :lol:

You mean hot peppers will make it burn when I pee pee?

yep! what triggers it is different in everyone for what chiles they eat, how they eat it, etc... just like certain chiles affect each person different. for me putting super hot chiles in some type of soup (my fav. is hot n sour soup) does it for me. maybe cuz it blends well with liquids & then that flows though the system faster or more freely :think:
which reminds me that I havent had any hot n sour soup for some time, gotta make some soon.
Well, the science behind it all (ar ar ar, bad pun!)is that Capsaicin passes through the body relatively intact. That is, the body does not really absorb it. Capsaicin affects mucus membranes more so that just plain skin. Hence, the burn at both ends. I was talking about that on my blog just the other day:


And I also mentioned it towards the end of my blog entry here:


Interestingly, an ancient folk remedy for hemorrhoids was eating hot chiles. Go figure.
Redtail, I believe it to be true. Capsaicin is a wonderful healing agent in many things. I have a "shadetree" theory that hot chiles help with depression, too, as the endorphins released have a beneficial effect on the nervous system. That's my own theory, though. Plus, eating chiles just makes you happy!

I tend to think the most pungent foods are the healthiest. Chiles, garlic, ginger, cinnamon, onions----all of them contain substances that fight disease and increase health. Man, you get an upset stomach, eat a piece of candied ginger or fresh ginger. You'll be fine in less time than it takes a Rolaid to work.

Make a chile, garlic, ginger sauce. It's a health tonic.