chinense 2x Choc Bhutlah

This is Peppernators big brother.
He defeats not only the Chocolate Bhutlah. But shames it by eating two in a suit & tie!I
He must have built up a massive tolerance to capsicain. I wonder how long it would take for some of our community to be able to do that. Theres got to be enough pods around.

Superhot eating contest anyone?
slade122 said:
He must have built up a massive tolerance to capsicain. I wonder how long it would take for some of our community to be able to do that. Theres got to be enough pods around. Superhot eating contest anyone?
There are guys around here that eat stupid amounts of cap daily.

They just aren't into the whole "look at me" deal. I find the self publication thing ridiculous. Show me something that takes some skill. Like a parquor, or bike tricks. Show me how to do something creative or useful like folding a t-shirt in two seconds. Show me something inspiring like a video of walking through Machu Picchu, or a Tahitian sunset. But I could care less about a snotty, sweaty fool downing a boatload of reapers.

It's not impressive. It's redundant.

Just my opinion of course. Carry on!
This is circus sideshow sort of stuff. I'm not sure why anyone would eat peppers this way, and it certainly isn't healthy for you. Too many people doing challenges to show off, so it's redundant as Naga Chomper said.

I wish more would do reviews like Beaglestorm used to. How about people show us how they eat superhots without all the attention seeking (cooking, tasting, etc.)
Naga Chomper said:
"They just aren't into the whole "look at me" deal. I find the self publication thing ridiculous. Show me something that takes some skill. Like a parquor, or bike tricks. Show me how to do something creative or useful like folding a t-shirt in two seconds. Show me something inspiring like a video of walking through Machu Picchu, or a Tahitian sunset. But I could care less about a snotty, sweaty fool downing a boatload of reapers."
I hear your opinion and respect it, and find common ground with it.  My buddy Jim, whose name I won't mention, will be burying his face in his hands reading this to be sure, but I also detect the narcissism in all of this, while admitting that narcissism exists in various degrees in all of us.  The thing that attracted me to this stuff was the humor in it.  It's just been a lot of fun for me and a break from the routine.
Let me say this, though, waxing somewhat philosophical:  there is something wrong, imho, with any challenge that introduces a multiplication of peppers as any kind of basis for victory.  I was telling Jim that there should be a "one man, one pepper" rule that safeguards the quest for *the hottest pepper*.  I'm an insufferable purist, even when I'm entirely clueless in a particular art or science, as I clearly am about the pepper arts.
All this being said...  somebody send me the hottest pepper on the planet.  
The one man vs one pepper doesn't bother me, because many, such as Mgold and Tmudder, are good at describing the heat and not bad on the flavor. Their ability to describe the heat from 1 pod is very informative. These two don't fall into what I was criticizing as attention seeking/narcissism.
jedisushi06 said:
Unstable hybrid.  They should not have shown it to the world.
I disagree, 3 of us has been working on this cross for a few years now and Steven drove it into the endzone. Something this good shouldn't be hidden from the community. It's just a little preview for what's coming. Would you rather not know about it?

Steven and Chad are great friends of mine and I love to work with them on developing new crosses. We are hobbyist growers and our stuff is never for sale!! 

How long did you have to wait for the Choc Morouga and Reaper?  
There is an understanding and respect among the reviewers mentioned here and in most cases they're really good friends. For the developers who could care less about Scoville heat units will send our new crosses to the reviewers to see how they measure up to big business. Gram for gram our Bhutlah has been destroying all of the reviewers who have tried it thus far and in some cases contemplated earlier retirement. We're scaring them with our high end nuke crosses. That tells me we're doing something right. Just ask any reviewer who have tried Steven's weapons grade Bhutlah and they will tell you that they never eaten hotter.

For those of you that thinks it's easy work I dare you to do better. 

Growing other peoples stuff is easy - developing your own is not that easy. 

​Although some may not like Jason's style - so be it!! But everybody in the circle knows that he is the king of beasts at the moment.   


NuHot said:
This is Peppernators big brother.
He defeats not only the Chocolate Bhutlah. But shames it by eating two in a suit & tie!I
The suit and tie is a token of respect and he happens to be our good friend. 