• Blog your pepper progress. The first image in your first post will be used to represent your Glog.

3/5King's 2013 ZING!-Peppin' Ain't Easy 2.0 "If The Boat's a Rockin'....."

we're still Alive!.....now let's get back to growing peppers.

So I decided to start Peppin' Ain't Easy 2.0 instead of continuing last year’s Glog. This way everything can stay nice and tidy.

If you want to see my shenanigans from last season, CLICK http://thehotpepper....sy35kings-2012/

I’m excited…the season is upon us! (Well except for those that live on the other side of the hemisphere; you bastards have been growing for months!)(Mezo…lol)

Let’s see, where to start….well, I hope everyone’s year is starting out right. I know everyone’s year can’t be going well, so a prayer will go out to all of you that are having a not so good 2013. Me…I’m alive and still ambitious, so I’ll be alright.

On to the plants; well, I started some plants back in November…here I was being hopeful to the extreme..thinking I would have some nice plants to give away around Christmas or the new year….that was my first mistake circa 2013..

I did something wrong (like usual) listed below will be the list of seeds I started and what my setup consists of....(Like it says above…peppin’ ain’t easy)

Seeds 2013 (started Nov. 17, 2012)

Carolina Reaper
Bubble Gum 7pot
Explosive Ember
Red Missle
Purple Puru
Orange Starbust
Brazilian Starfish

More coming…


Pro-Mix Organic with sea based compost


General Organics-Bio Thrive (gave first feeding at around 60 days old)

Grow Box/Light Setup

5- 6500 Kelvin 2750 Lumen 1- 2700 Kelvin 2750 Lumen (CFL’s) (Total: 16,500 Lumens)

5- Square foot growing area

Sides and roof lined with mylar bubble wrap (Like the stuff you line your basements with for insulation)

Plants are 4-10 Inches away from lights (depending on how big they are)

Bottom Watered

Foliar fed with bio thrive (every two to three days)

Side Note: (I did water the plants at about 30 days with the used water from my fish tank. I used this water for about 2 weeks and then went back to regular water for awhile)

Temps- 80-90 Degrees

So there you have it, this is the start to my 2012/13 season. Now to get on to the hiccups along the way…dang I forgot to mention the overwinter…I’ll get to that debacle in a minute.

Problems encountered; The plants started growing fine but as they got older, they just randomly dropping leaves (although it seems that the leaves that drop are the older leaves) Not from the bottom up or the top down, just random. Sometimes they drop when they are green, sometimes they drop after they have yellowed and some…some even just shrivel up and die on the plant..lol. This is a funky situation.

Also a lot of the plants seem to be stuck…like the plants look like they are getting older (stems getting thicker, mature leaves) but they aren’t really growing in size anymore. Now I can say that they A. Should have enough light at 3300 lumens a square foot B. Maybe they are too close or not close enough to the light.

My thoughts about the leaf drop: Possible that they are A. Getting too little of light (which shouldn’t be the case) B. They are getting burnt by hot spots from the bubble mylar or C. I have no idea…

Well, if you have any input or ideas as to why my situation is bucked up, please feel free to inform me.

Now for my overwinter; I brought in one Moruga for the winter. When I brought it in, it was thriving. New growth was popping up left and right. It was growing fast, so I asked Pepperguru what I should do. He told me I could just clip it like a bonsai tree. Well…the plant had shot a lot of branched out of the main trunk, before the split. So I cut most of those branches that had shot out, off and left all of the foliage above the first main split. After I did that, the plant didn’t do so well anymore. There really wasn’t anymore new growth and what was there although did get bigger, started to die and drop leaves. As well, the branches started to die from the top down. So I cut them back….everything started dying back more…so I cut it back more. Then one of my last (new) green branches had a dead leaf on it, so I went to pull it off and with barely any pressure, the whole branch pulled right off the plant! Hahahaha…I laughed so hard and then immediately used some cutting gel and stuck it in some soil. The pics you see below are what’s left…..ah haha, It makes me laugh so hard.

So there you have it. I know this was/is a lot to read but I wanted to be thorough lol. This way everyone’s questions are answered before they are asked and you all get an idea of where I’m at and what it took to get here.

LET THE GAMES BEGIN 2013!! Now for the pics..










I also browse a different forum from Spain. They tried boiling garlic and spraying the plant with it with great success. I never tried it myself, but it would be worth trying. I only had aphids on one of my plants but I just squished the hell out of them and give em a lil taste of AACT, and never seen em again. I'll be doing the garlic next time just to test for myself. Hope you win that war.

, Vegas
Haha...how you holding up? You liking those NB you got? I have the first trail minimus they put out, a few years old now. Great shoe, but they take some getting used to. I have some running issues right now and have been back on the bike and
Can't wait for your dirt day shots!

I'll take 5th best behind your Briggy's Shane. That Cali sun is a cut above this Illinois lightbulb.

I'm doing well, those NB's do take some getting used to. I've only put an actual mile of running on them. Otherwise I've been using them for the Insanity. I noticed you can feel stones under the bottom of the shoes if you're running on loose gravel. Don't like that too much but otherwise they're great. Hope they hold up a decent while under the punishment. That low profile sole is going to take some getting used too...with plenty of calf stretches in between lol

Sorry to hear about the issues. I've been working through my knee issues myself. Running seems to help and I've stopped 99% of any jumping moves until I get a little more weight off. I'm going to attempt a 10K at the end of June.

Plant out can't come soon enough. Hope the dirt comes through this year. I found a place that sells left over fish parts for 1.00 a pound. We're going to order around 60lbs of it....lmao, gonna be awesome (we went out and tried to catch some but the weather isn't the greatest right now)

It's gonna be a hell of a year! Can't wait to see how the OW's do.

I'll send good vibes your way buddy.

I started jogging recently and purposely have started slow as recommended by my runners world guide. I was all psyched-up about it. I got some new balance as well. Now, my right ankle has some ache so I have to temporarily go to a bike to get my cardio. I'm trying to lose a small gut/get six-pack abs and up my respiratory endurance. I want to get back to jogging after a couple weeks w/ ice packs and then rehab exercises to strengthen my achilles. PLUS, I have to stop grazing in between meals :oops:
Anyway, good luck w/ your workout regimen.

Damn, sorry to hear about the aches and pains. Sucks when progression slows because of shit like that. Did you break the shoes in? I don't know how long/often you were running but a new pair of shoes can do that too.

I do have to say, if you can get your hands on it, that Insanity is killer for shredding weight, cranking cardio and endurance.

Got to always start slow when over 30, better to do that then suffer the consequences. Been there done that.

Hey Devv, I agree. As soon as my knees started hurting, I altered my routine. I've learned the hard way before and am doing my best to stay on the injury free path.

I also browse a different forum from Spain. They tried boiling garlic and spraying the plant with it with great success. I never tried it myself, but it would be worth trying. I only had aphids on one of my plants but I just squished the hell out of them and give em a lil taste of AACT, and never seen em again. I'll be doing the garlic next time just to test for myself. Hope you win that war.

, Vegas

Well the garlic recipe I tried the first time didnt do anything but I'm not against experimenting again in the future. I mean, enough people are having success with it, there's got to be something to it.

I'm gonna be smoking some Jerky tomorrow, hopefully afterwards (or while) ill be able to post a pic of my plants outside and give a little 411 on the current status and future of the garden. Until then, stay classy THP.
thanks for the info in re: my running.

As to your Glog, I think the season is upon us. Won't be long now and our plants will be growing at alarming rates.







Some pics for you guys. I only have a few but will have more Saturday. Everything's in the ground that could fit and a few buckets made up. Filled the garden with some beastly fish skeletons and some Xtreme Gardening Michorizzal down with the roots. Going to make an AACT to add this weekend.

The plants might be a little haggard but the soil seems really good this year. Mass amounts of worms when we turned over the soil, that was exciting. At the end of the season we're going to add another 8-10 yards....maybe more if we're feeling frisky. Over the summer we're going to look for some railroad ties as well, so we can make it a raises bed by next season. A little at a time, we figure everything will be choice after a few more years.

I'll try and update more often.
That should get some plants moving ... nice to be able build year upon year and get the soil really alive with goodness ... one of my things to have on my bucket list ... my own patch of dirt!!  Best of luck with the planting and production!
stc3248 said:
Your garden is gonna stink to high heaven!!! The plants'll thank you for it, your neighbors...well they'll thank you for some peppers anyway!
The neighbors over here are lame ducks. It stunk for a little bit but now that it's in the ground it's as right as rain.

Trippa said:
That should get some plants moving ... nice to be able build year upon year and get the soil really alive with goodness ... one of my things to have on my bucket list ... my own patch of dirt!!  Best of luck with the planting and production!
I wish nothing less for you T-rippa!

KiNGDeNNiZ said:
OMG.. thats a lot of fishes.... nice to see you're almost ready... hows the BG7?
I woulda liked some more....lol

BG7- have a few at the buddy's and the one at my house is doing good; it's getting nice and cozy in its new home.

Pulpiteer said:
New profile pic? I love it.

You've been working that soil hard. Someday you'll grow a pepper tree in that stuff... maybe even jack and the beanstalk style plants
Ha, maybe so! I've had the same pic for awhile now.

I've got a bean stalk already Andy.....it's name is Mr. Locoto....Mr. Brigit's Locoto.

DocNrock said:
Just for the halibut!
Hey DnR! You had me laughing good. Is that what they are? Lol. They didn't tell me what kind of fish they are..
I love all the different ways everyone gets it done.
I remember as a kid catching mudcats, we put them in under the new trees dad was planting.
Can't wait to see the plants in the dirt!
tell dude to pull his pants up,nobody wants to see his beer boxers :rofl:    love the fish on the ground pic,cant wait to see that plot sky high :onfire:
Devv said:
I love all the different ways everyone gets it done.
I remember as a kid catching mudcats, we put them in under the new trees dad was planting.
Can't wait to see the plants in the dirt!
Speaking of all the ways everyone gets it done; I have some glogs to visit.

I'm right there with ya Devv. Hoping they do better than last years plants....I'm still nervous.

Yumyumyellow said:
looking great! how is your aphid problem? after mine got moved outside, the friendly neighborhood bugs massacred them in about 3 days
Thanks Yummy, we did the Aphids in with that Ortho's before we planted out. There were only two plants that had Aphids out of 80 at plant out. We quarantined them to the side. They were just some Jap plants anyway. Glad to hear that your outside Bennys got a nice SNACK!

sicman said:
tell dude to pull his pants up,nobody wants to see his beer boxers :rofl:    love the fish on the ground pic,cant wait to see that plot sky high :onfire:
Hey Siccy, lol thanks. What can I say, he must like to let his keister breathe. It's the norm, I don't even notice anymore.

Hoping those fish Breed monsters too. It's still below 70 here today (and the last few days) so waiting to see what they will start doing in the coming week. It's supposed to get up into the high 70s low 80s this week. Night time temps should be above 60 too. Then we will see some action...I hope lol FINGERS CROSSED.
So we've all waged our indoor war and most of us have come out victorious. My buddy and I have managed to get something in the ground....it's not pretty but it's something lol

Surprised the over winters aren't exploding yet but I have faith in them. One OW brain strain that I figured was a goner, started shooting new growth so into a 18 gallon tote it went. Pepper plants are so resilient. I love it.

We made two 18 gallon totes of AACT this weekend and feed/foliar sprayed the garden. Here's what went in it

Humbolt Equilibrium (organic calcium/magnesium)

Humbolt Grow

Alfalfa Meal

Kelp Meal

Neptune's Harvest fish Hydrolysate

Un sulfered molasses

And a chunk of grass/roots from the garden's edge.

We'll be making a 55 gallon barrel drum for our next batch....go big or go home right? There's never a cautious moment round here.

The grow at my house is doing well too. Just need some freakin' warm weather over here.....but I'm tryin to practice patience....so far I'm winning...

We've got pods on a lot of different varieties too, that's really cool last year we mostly had super hots so no pod porn was "snatched" until later in the season but this year we have all different kinds of stuff coming along....lol

A few I can tell you what they are but we got kinda lazy and didnt mark any of the plants (and by we, I mean me because I'm the master mind behind what we have growing) I figured once they started podding up, I would be able to tell what they were....augh it should interesting lol

Otherwise I'm just going to ask you guys to guess!...and yours might be as good as mine.

Side note: on week 2 of month 2 on the second go round of insanity. It's going good but I'm ready to be done with it and switch things up. My buddy and I did a test run of a 10K that we signed up for at the end of June. I actually finished it...took me 1HR and 37MINS though. I'm still completely impressed with myself. The course is like a roller coaster of hills too. I had my heart rate monitor on and just kept myself between 138-145BPM. I also carb loaded and brought some gels/gummies with too. I had one a half hour before hand and at 4.5 miles in. Hoping to drop another 12 lbs or so before the actual race and get that time down some.

On to the pics.

Pre-brew AACT


Halabanero F4


Jalabanero Pod


Not sure what this pod is. The peppers mature the same as my CGN-21500 from last season but the pods are elongated instead of cherry shaped.




Cluster of about 14 different pepper plants from one 1 gal container....lol let the strongest man survive.


Carolina Reaper


My dual Bubble Gum 7pot experiment


Purple Puru


I forget what this is but I'll check back and fill ya'll in once I figure it out..


Thanks for looking everyone. I'll have more pod shots and other pics soon!
Thanks Sanarda! Yeah, why not. I've got a few more pics to post. Tank ya!

Not sure what this is either...but it's in a pot and lookin good! Oh wait, now that I think of it, I think it's a FireCracker.


Here's my ornamental tote with two explosive embers and one....umm lol dang it I don't remember now. Maybe a Maui Purple.


Something happened to my sweet potato starts. All eight of them look like this. Some are recovering but I don't know what happened. There was no frost that I'm aware of. Maybe they weren't hardened off when I got them from the nursery...?

Nice to see you and the plants made it out of that battle alive...KUTG! Looks like you guys have been getting some serious rain up there.Waiting on some of it to actually hit us,my grass is turning brown already. You're Birgy has more leaves than everyone elses combined!

I'm happy to see you are still on the insanity. Keep us posted on how the 10k turns out Dave.