3 branches per node

Hello everyone
I'm a relatively new grower and something just happened that I have never seen, I don't know if it's common or a mutation that will have some sort of strange effect.
I grew a fatalii plant from seed and a couple of weeks ago it split up at the end in 3 branches, instead of the normal 2. I did a short web search and all I could find was related to some not so legal cultivars and it had repercussions like polypoid, hermaphrodite and some other stuff.
I only have high school Biology but I know polyploid plants can have some different characteristics. Could this be a sign of a polyploid plant? Or is it just a meaningless mutation?
Thank you in advance
I had a Jalapeno do the same. It grew and split into three with the third sorta fusing with one of the other branches towards the base of the node. Thought it was pretty neat.  One of my Rocoto also forked three ways.
Its not bad or that abnormal...
If you top them you can have all side branches that fork. I have a couple that are split 3 ways.


I just thought it would be uncommon since I couldn't find anything related to peppers online. New leaves seem to be growing in pairs, so I guess it was just a one time thing, Still cool though.
I dunno, every time I grow plain old Orange Bells I have at least one plant that does that.  I'm not surprised that a Fatalii would do that though, they're definitely a bushy strain.
Yep. My Rocoto splits 3 ways. Wish I could tell you what that means to the flowering/podding of the plant! Just got loads of buds.