Pam said:We seem to have a bumper crop of three cotyledon peppers this spring.
kylestl said:are they rare or are they preatty common. What other varities have people had the three cotelydons of.
kylestl said:are they rare or are they preatty common. What other varities have people had the three cotelydons of.
Txclosetgrower said:I had a 4 leaf one.
RIP little guy
FiveSix said:great camera work tx. i have a macro shot taking problem lol
Txclosetgrower said:4 tips i've gained from experience:
1)Rest the camera on something
3) If your camera keeps focusing on the dirt behind the plant, press the button half-way to let it focus, then pull the camera away from the plant just a little to bring the plant into focus.
4) Take about 10 pics then pick the one that is actually in focus on the computer.
kylestl said:my camera has this little thing i switch to with a flower on it lol i don't know what it is called
Txclosetgrower said:I had a 4 leaf one.