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media 3 sprouted in a Jiffy pellet. When to cull or seperate?


As a matter of insurance, I planted 3 seeds in each Jiffy pellet. Of course, between 3 and 0 have sprouted in each.

For those pellets that sprout multiples... cull or seperate? Wouldn't mind seperating them, but I don't think they are big enough to transplant and I don't necessarily want to lose plants.

At what point should action be taken? When they start to contact one another? When they start to block one anothers light? Are they OK until one of them fails to thrive?
best to cut the surplus sprouts with some small nail scissors so as not to damage the roots of the one you want to keep. I do this 1 or 2 weeks afther I plant them in their solo cups. I usually have some that are leaning over smaller or are off centre and those are the ones I cut.
I used jiffy pellets with multiple seeds as well. After the seedlings had there first true leaves i moved them into party cups. I left both seedings in any pellet that sprouted more than one. When i moved then up to the cups i just took my time and seperated the roots i believe every one except one survived this process. So i say if you want to keep the extras its no problem.
I would seperrate them when they begin to show the first set of true leaves. The root systems shouldn't be so developed to make getting them apart very difficult. Just work the soil slow and gently to loosen the roots.

If left in the same plug too long the plants will begin to compete against each other for the available nutrients and light.

Seedlings can take more than you think but still be cautious.
I have seperated many of them, but i do it when i get the first said of leaves (Cotyledon), but I would wait to the first said of true leaves. jst be carefully to nto tear any roots,
If I'm trying to save them I remove the second one as soon as it breaks through the soil. I have had a perfect record doing it this was as there are really no roots to worry about at this time. Most of the time though I just cut the weaker looking one down when I transplant to my solo cups.
Ok.. I am going to get some nested solo cups tonight, and I guess I will deal with them from that point.

I don't necessarily want to cull any of my good looking plants, but I guess that is just part of the game.

I will try to serperate them as best I can, but I will stick with the best one when necessary.
i separated mine by wiggling a small electrical screwdriver around the one i wanted to take out, pulling it out with care....then making a hole in a new jiffy and dropping it in...
They have all been successful so far, and are now growing away in their own pot!
i am pretty careful about one seed per disk...with that said I had two in a couple of my last batch of seedlings and I waited until first real leaves and carefully transplanted each into their own pot. so far they are good we will see. All I can say is use your best judgement as everyone on here has their own experience from killing the extra off to separating and and transplanting in separate pots.
Well.. they have their first set of true leaves, and have begun working on their second. I probably waited too long.

How invasive are the root systems on such young plants? How sensitive is the plant to root damage?

I thought about just cutting the pellet in two if I find I can't get the roots untangled. Will this kill them?