seeds 30 packets of seeds for 63¢

That includes tax! I stopped in a store today to drop off some papers and needed to pick up some bell pepper plants (I'm going to name them Pamela 1, Pamela 2, Pamela 3 in honor of a nice lady who happens to be a member of this forum) and was told that the store had a special deal: Buy 1 packet of seeds, get 30 free. My choices were limited but I picked up some radishes, green and yellow wax beans, cantaloupe, cabbage, cauliflower, onion and peas.

The seed was left over from last year so maybe nothing will sprout. If so, I will be out 63¢. Seems like a good risk.


If you eat the fruit of my daughter plants green, you will surely be cursed!!

*scrambles around to find a wordwiz voodoo doll*
My sister gave me a voodoo doll for Christmas. Why do you think Ohio State lost to Texas in the final seconds of the game?

Mike, you can just bet everyone of those seeds will grow! I use older seeds a lot and have good germination, especially if they are only last year's seeds. Be ready, you will have plenty.