4 week old Banana Pepper Plants losing leaves

I have 3 separate Sweet Banana Pepper plants and all of them are dropping leaves one by one starting at the bottom of the plant and working up to the 4-6th node where it finally started to split off and bud up. So far none of the buds have fallen off or any other leaves but Something is wrong here. They were all started under 24 HR light then the largest one was moved to a 14/10 room when it was transplanted. The smaller 2 plants have been on 18/6 for the last 2 weeks with no change in the leaf loss.

Tell me what you think is going on here:




Really wished a more experienced grower would've done responded to this. As I am also going threw the same thing with my chocolate bells this year. An the only thing I can figure is the soil is spent (already gave up all nutes available) now needing routine ferts. Or they're root bound. My chocolate bell's look exactly like your pics. Hope you find a answer.
Did you buy them already this size? Your title says 4 weeks old?? Seems fairly mature for 4 weeks.
What kind of lights do you have setup and how much are you watering?
4 weeks from the day they broke gound.. Miracle Grow Cacti + Citrus Soil cut with about 20% perlite. Lights in both rooms are a mix of 2700k and 5600k CFLs in addition to a pair of 4' T5s (which seem to be keeping all the other plants happy). I really bombarded the little bastards with light, I was surprised at how quickly they grew as well. I thought it might be a nute issue too but the one that I transplanted showed no signs of improvement even with all the fresh new soil.

I am currently battling thrip larvae on a couple plants that have been isolated and theres no sign of insect damage on the Bananas, as of right now growth seems to have stopped, they aren't losing any more leaves but they arent growing new ones either.

EDIT: I usually water by the weight of the container, with the smaller ones I scratch down about an inch into the soil and water if its dry. With the perlite you can pretty much saturate the soil and it drains off to a nice damp consistency within 10 minutes
Granted, I'm blessed with good growing conditions. I do believe it's important to balance seed germination time and grow light conditions to grow the seedling slowly to match your zone's climate.

It looks like those plants are screaming to go outside but it's too cold. You might should have delayed germination and/or attenuated the lighting.

I just two weeks ago started germination (manzano) so that I could leisurely put out to grow about the time it's really warming up.