
only had it once and i went broke buying it cause i knew it was the last time i'de find it! hell ya. but i'm on the purp ; ) *looks at own name* the town has that over the city :D
Honestly I haven't smoked in years, but seeing the news about how our streets are safer because of some pot bust almost makes me laugh. People are maybe 85% more peaceful when they are smoking pot.
teh purple penguins said:
only had it once and i went broke buying it cause i knew it was the last time i'de find it! hell ya. but i'm on the purp ; ) *looks at own name* the town has that over the city :D

So what kind was it? Purple Urkel?
cheezydemon said:
People are maybe 85% more peaceful when they are smoking pot.
And the other 15% are scysophranic and dangorous. I've only met 1 angry stoner in my life and beleive me, I've met alot of stoners.
I had a boyfriend as a teenager who always used to watch the film 'Drop Dead Fred' with his mates when he was stoned as they found it so funny, it was like a ritual to watch it. One of the older big time smokers used to get paranoid that the green man Fred was going to jump out of his cupboard.
it was white widdow now the penguins has a purple problem.. but not a problem really ; ). purple urkle, kush, gdp, organic grapes D: what has this bay area done : ).
Did you ever decide whether or not you would cork Potowie? From the sudden appearance of a sex ed video, I must assume that you would in lieu of a direct response.;)
I'm flattered but I'm just not that kind of guy.

That's good to know...:)

OT: the cute store gal liked the SBPR sample i gave her..she ate it on triscuits.

i like her more everyday ;)
Well, I must say, Cleveland does have some good stuff when you look in the right places. This is some two hits and your done kush....mmmmm.....bzzzzzzzzz.....

QuadShotz said:
ha, she'd kill me twice (and make me like it) if I did that. ;p
High grade nugs? What you talkin' 'bout Willis? In Alaska there is dope that will scare the shite out of drug testing technicians.
Two hit stuff is called "rollercoaster:, one hit is "wheelchair".
Stuff so potent you might see God. At least ..I mean ..er...some friends told me. I can't remember which ones told me though...
Cheers, TB.