44%+ off HBD three pack! INCLUDES SUPERHOTS

Holy Crap that is an awesome deal! What happened? You decide you want your garage back? :lol:

Yes! My sister wont let us use her garage space, we have a '73 cutless classic in the other spot (that we are trying to sell...any takers?), and Ive been kicked out of my garage spot! It's bullsh!t!

xo Nicole
god, I would love some more of these sauces....but I'm broke!! This site has me spending more money then I'd like to admit. You haaaaaaaaaad to Groupon it, didn't you :banghead: Alright, alright......I'll bite. Wish there was somewhere I could buy this sauce without the shipping...then it would be a major deal!
god, I would love some more of these sauces....but I'm broke!! This site has me spending more money then I'd like to admit. You haaaaaaaaaad to Groupon it, didn't you :banghead: Alright, alright......I'll bite. Wish there was somewhere I could buy this sauce without the shipping...then it would be a major deal!

If you don't want to pay shipping you could pick it up.... in jersey :o) ha