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7 Pod Brown - pod test

Standbyandfire (Steven) vs The
7pod brown 9:09 4 likes, 0 dislikes
28 views nagacanario 08/14/12 Watch Video Video quality: HQ | Normal Share Video This is a video review of the 7pod
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You can see standbyandfire cringing as he's chewing on it. You know it's gonna be bad!
having prob. with posting vid from phone, i know laptop works. Thanks for the help.
That pod raped the S?+T out of me! That makes the morouga and butch t look weak. That really put a hurting on me. Ed pulled another one the size of a baseball off, i told him F no i'm not eating that one. The one he gave me was fine. I was driving home in pain. Throat burn lasted about 25mins. Hotter then the sav. 7 pod. I will wait a bit before i do the 7 pod Brown again. Don't liked to get raped!
Had pretty good flavor to it, not too sweet, good balance for about 15 to 20 sec and then the heat hits you like.a a mack truck in the throat,mouth,everywere.