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7 Pod Question?

Are there any big differences between the various 7 Pod strains (i.e., flavor, shape, growth habits)? Maybe this is a simple question to answer but due to my very limited experience with 7's, I need some opinions. Thanks in advance.

I have only had the pleasure (or burning discomfort) of trying the standard Yellow 7 and AJs strain of the Red 7. There is NO COMPARISON between heat or flavor. Both are hot and both are flavorful, but they are like two totally different tasting peppers.

I also grew both of these and it seems like the Yellow 7 is more "tree" like. Both seem to be great yielders, but they did have fairly different growing habits too.


There is a video of AJs backyard last year and I think he has at least 3 different 7 pot varieties growing in the video.
what most differentiates the tastes is usually the color. yellow for mostly fruity tastes, brown for somewhat earthy, then we all know what red does. hehe. =D

then there's the minute changes in flavors in every variety. which is too complicated to explain in a few words.
The reds are the only true 7 pots in my opinion and are landrace varieties which have been growing for decades. The 7 pot crosses(or 3.5 pots as I like to call them) are only part 7 pot, crossed with different colored peppers. These are very different in flavor and usually in heat and pod shape too but people still like to name them after the more popular 7-pot parent
what most differentiates the tastes is usually the color. yellow for mostly fruity tastes, brown for somewhat earthy, then we all know what red does. hehe. =D

then there's the minute changes in flavors in every variety. which is too complicated to explain in a few words.

Thanks kind of where I was going with my question. Out of the 7 pod varieties I've had, the Douglah (brown) was my least favorite in taste. What does Red do?
red flavors taste closer to somewhat like scorps do, minus the sting. heat rises and rises and rises.

scorps are the only ones that i can think of when it comes to heat that feels like a sucker punch in the face.

imho, i like douglahs.
Just so I'm clear, your saying that the red tends to be the hottest of the 7pod colors? I ask because i thought you were originaly describing the differences of taste between them.
can't really describe them as of now as i haven't tasted a fresh one. i've mostly tasted dried ones since i'm from the philippines. only superhot i have that i've successfully grown that had pods are douglahs. will let you know once i've tasted fresh red 7 pots. probably in a month or two.
The one's I have tasted just tasted like chemicals

could be how your taste buds interpret certain flavours, i felt actually the same with caribbean red, my first impression was chemically - first bite, i didn't like the flavour, so different from orange habs. but i had several pods and i just kept on them and eventually i understood the taste. keeping my fingers crossed this year on fatalii, 7's, bhuts and scorpians - i may have to kill off some orange habs for grow space.
My wife says I have a strange tongue, but that's for a different thread...

For some reason, douglah flavor just didn't agree with me. I've found, given the right recipe, I can enjoy certain varieties used as an ingredient. The only reason why I grow orange habaneros is to make my hab mustard and jam. :neutral:
I've found that some of the stranger tasting peppers end up tasting great as powder, i have one european annum strain like that, a little too complex, and a little grassy tasting straight up, but in powder form it whoops cayenne imho.

The Trinidad perfume and Tobaggo seasoning peppers supposedly fall into that category.

Cliff notes: if you have a few bad tasting pepper plants, try grinding the pods into a powder.

- Steve
Try to remember that -- where you are located says alot for harvest.Try a couple types and see whats best for you and your local.
Try to remember that -- where you are located says alot for harvest.Try a couple types and see whats best for you and your local.

How so? I don't have a problem growing the little boogers, I'm just not thrilled with the taste of some chinense. More to do with personal preference and less to do with locale.
Well with my local --different strains have different results.Some like monster heat and others are happy with mod heat.They then change in taste and heat.Just a tip if you are interested. have a great season Rich
Thanks for the advice Hix. Maybe I'm overthinking this, are you talking about local taste preference or pod (heat) variability due to regional growing conditions.
Taste and heat varies on how it's grown, the fertilizers, amendments, soil and the environment. So it will be slight to big differences in flavor and heat.