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7 pod red

They are just different strains. People grew a 7 pot, saw it looked different to the mother plant. A cross may have occurred somewhere. They isolated (we hope) and then grew f2 plants and manages to stabilize the strain through to f7 or f8 (we hope). And then gave it a new name and shared their accidental or planned variation.

Hope this is correct and helps explain it.

Now some of the names though and from different regions in Trinidad where the peppers grow with subtle variations and the 7 pot is then named after the region the strain was located. (We hope)

Now I don't understand the difference between the naming pod vs pot. In Trinidad they call it 7 pot.
I don't know about Cardi but Primo's are smaller variety with a wicked tail, Barrackpore are large elongated pods and the Jonah's are large shorter pods. They each have their own unique flavor as well.
CARDI is a research and developement institute. Primo is a cross between a seven pot and a naga. Barackpore is a 7 pot that came from the barackpore region of Trinidad,I'm pretty sure the guy who first introduced them is still active on this site. Jonah is another variation of a red 7 pot that was created by another member here.
They have distinctly different pod shapes and slightly different flavors. The Primo is a stable hybrid between a 7 pot and a naga morich. It's very crunchy compared to the other superhots. It's really only half 7 pot, but it's a great pepper with the most wicked looking pods. The others are landraces from different regions. 7 pot Chaguanas is another landrace.
dont forget the Chaguana, infinity, red douglah, and so on...

some are unstable but they can still be cool like my "Orange 7 pot chaguana #2" i try to isolate it !
i have given seed to 2 or 3 person max so still in developpement.
hope i will succed to make it and keep it orange! teh shape of those peppers are so cool!
So million dollar question... when did pot turn into pod? Everyone seems to either call them Pot or Pod. How did the original Pot change to Pod??
i think it was a mis-communication thing someone thought they said pod instead of pot. because 7pot refers to the pepper being so hot it can spice up 7pots of soup or chili