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7 Pot Barrackpore - Chocolate Version

I seem to recall a few people got a chocolate variant of this 7 Pot. If so, let me know. I'm interested in seeds. I'd like to grow it in 2011 and see if it retains these attributes.

no i dont think so chris it was given to us by trinicoolboy .... so he would be the only one to issue new color variety ... bcz it was discovered in his home town so i would not call any other varitey as 7 Pot Barrackpore unless it comes from there ... what u think chris? i mean we can call just give any pepper any name . it has to have roots to where it was discoverd. and thats another good reason to have friends from trinidad so they can tell us what they really have and what is mistakly named after trinidad.
These are what I'm thinking of:


I guess I have a steel trap memory. :) TCB did supply them, but I don't know if they were actual super hots. I love Chocolate pods nonetheless. I'm not formally naming the variety anything more than a chocolate version of TCB's original variety. I'll let him call it whatever he feels is appropriate.

I wish more Trinidad natives would get involved in the pepper forums so we can learn more of what they grow!

I'd be interested in this one also if anyone has it

I am growing about 20 odd Barrackpore 7 Pot's this year from the seeds of the plants from last year. As they were all open pollinated, it would be interesting to see if any of them crossed, and retained the vicious heat that these are renowned for.

This was a review one of Jacob's Chocolate Barrackpore 7 pods.


2nd one from the right.

Wish I could share seeds but, as you see in the video, I have none. Good Luck, it was a very nice tasting chile.