7-Pot Brainstrain pod test

Gentle :dance: Beast!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Brutal but awesome
My experience was virtually the same. 5 minutes after my review that sucka grabbed reverse on me :rofl:
Standard red brainstrain is the only pepper that's ever done that to me. I dun know, I think those things are almost impossible to hold down.
You did a great job, Peter!! THX for sharing
hogleg said:
Gentle :dance: Beast!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Brutal but awesome
My experience was virtually the same. 5 minutes after my review that sucka grabbed reverse on me :rofl:
Standard red brainstrain is the only pepper that's ever done that to me. I dun know, I think those things are almost impossible to hold down.
You did a great job, Peter!! THX for sharing
Thanks hogleg!
Lovepeppers said:
Great review Peter.