color 7 Pot Brown Tears Me Up

7 Pot Brown (From My Garden):
Another absolutely brutal pepper.  The flavor was good on this, a bit sweet and slightly nutty.  But the heat was insane.  It hurt nearly as bad as the Red 7 Pot Lava.  I didn't give this a 10+ for the sole reason that I didn't throw the pepper up afterwards.  Although I will say that it made me dry heave directly after the I finished the review.  But about an hour after the review there was only slight discomfort in my stomach.
My rating:
Heat: 10
Flavor: 8
Dooood, those are really `effin hot. Nice work!!! 
I have also had a red version from Brian Holmes that tastes a lot better, but is still insanely hot. I think I`m going to grow as many as I can of the red one next year and hope to stabilise it.  

Natalie did great, too. That was a big Jimmy Nardello!!!
I could tell by the amount of placenta & oil that that pepper was going to be :mouthonfire:  for you.
another awesome review and you do have some real hot super hots in your garden this season like you said.