7 Pot Brown (From My Garden):
Another absolutely brutal pepper. The flavor was good on this, a bit sweet and slightly nutty. But the heat was insane. It hurt nearly as bad as the Red 7 Pot Lava. I didn't give this a 10+ for the sole reason that I didn't throw the pepper up afterwards. Although I will say that it made me dry heave directly after the I finished the review. But about an hour after the review there was only slight discomfort in my stomach.
My rating:
Heat: 10
Flavor: 8
Another absolutely brutal pepper. The flavor was good on this, a bit sweet and slightly nutty. But the heat was insane. It hurt nearly as bad as the Red 7 Pot Lava. I didn't give this a 10+ for the sole reason that I didn't throw the pepper up afterwards. Although I will say that it made me dry heave directly after the I finished the review. But about an hour after the review there was only slight discomfort in my stomach.
My rating:
Heat: 10
Flavor: 8