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7 pot Jonah vs Barrackpore

For those who have grown/eaten them, which tends to be the hotter of the two? Also, how do they compare in terms of flavor and productivity?
I think Barrackpores and Jonah's are comparable in heat and productivity. As for flavor, Jonah's are far superior. Barrackpores tend to come with a fair amount of bitterness and not very sweet. Jonah's on the other hand are very sweet and fruity.
Thanks for the responses. My growing space is limited to my apartment balcony, so I have room for maybe 4 or 5 good pepper plants.
I`d say they are close in heat, but the barrackpore is a little hotter for me. Flavour-wise I much prefer the jonah. 
Panzer said:
Yeah, I'm leaning towards the Jonah. I think I will also try growing the Douglah this year.
I have jonahs now but prolly grow both next year. Btw watch out for them douglahs they're violent and relentless! Lol
Yeah, I'm leaning towards the Jonah. I think I will also try growing the Douglah this year.
Sorry for the double post!