7 Pot Lava™ Pepperlover.com - OUCH

I received a pod in the mail to taste. One word can be used...PAIN. I don't put knives in my tongue, but if I did, I imagine it would feel like tasting this one did. lol.




Great looking pod there Chris and with your endorsement here, i'm sure that strain will be a very big seller next year.

Jedisushi06, I asked Judy to jump in and address the stability issue. I never grew it so I have no idea on those details. Hopefully she'll chime in with the answer!

Yes, it would hurt bad swallowed whole!!

Great looking pod Chris, Judy just keeps amazing me. Hell, my grow list for next year is all her seeds and if she keeps popping stuff like this out, it may stay that way for a long time ;).
Good looking pod, Judy comes out with some real burners. LOL

thank you for the nice comment

Great looking pod Chris, Judy just keeps amazing me. Hell, my grow list for next year is all her seeds and if she keeps popping stuff like this out, it may stay that way for a long time ;).

now blame it on me that you dont have enough space for your tomatoes next year :D
it is you who needs bigger garden lol

Great looking pod there Chris and with your endorsement here, i'm sure that strain will be a very big seller next year.


after testing and making sure it is ready to share.. as chris knows i didnt share the evergreen 7 pod yet both me and him had an issue with ripen colors so i will do more testing...
Judy, with the way my tomatoes have done this year.....screw the damn tomatoes :). Garden is 16'x16', I'll be fine unless you and Chris show off too many more awesome looking peppers....although I do have a couple I'm trying to pry away from Chris's wicked collection ;).
Judy, with the way my tomatoes have done this year.....screw the damn tomatoes :). Garden is 16'x16', I'll be fine unless you and Chris show off too many more awesome looking peppers....although I do have a couple I'm trying to pry away from Chris's wicked collection ;).

yes his collection gets me buzy as well... every year he sends me new kinds..