7 pot/pod

Anyone growing the famous 7 pot/pod this year ?
I haven't heard much of them lately.
Is it hotter then the Naga?
We are growing 7 pod this season they are chinense, they come from Trinidad and are very similar in taste and heat as the bhut's we received from NMSU. They are great for the folks that like the heat.
I still think Trinidad Scorpions are maybe hotter. I can't tell the difference when chiles are that hot.

No kidding! personally 1/4 fresh orange hab with seeds and all is way more then I can handle.
I can't even imagine anything hotter....
I think they are best used for hot sauce where a mix of other ingredients and the heat from cooking lowers the heat but to eat them fresh is insane... IMHO.

I sure would like to try it :(
kato said:
They are great for the folks that like the heat.
: waves :

habman said:
No kidding! personally 1/4 fresh orange hab with seeds and all is way more then I can handle.
I am eagerly antisipating having the cook at work slice up some fresh Nagas and other various C. Chinenses to put on my breakfest burrito in the morning...fresh off the plants in my garden. So far I've have loads of Ring of Frie Cayennes, Jalapenos, and Piquins....but soon...Habaneros.....mwahahahahha :mouthonfire:

For someone named Habman....we're going to have to work on that tolerance of yours.... ;)

habman said:
but to eat them fresh is insane... IMHO.
: waves :
imaguitargod said:

For someone named Habman....we're going to have to work on that tolerance of yours.... :mouthonfire:

I prefer quality to quantity.
But yeah if you want to help me out send me some fresh habs ;)