Was curious to know who has grown these, any pics (of there own), tips, tricks to growing these?
Bent gave me a plant which I have in the shop window and its probably doubled in size (It would be close to 30cm high now bent), they seem to like the extra heat/humidity.

How long have you had it....less than 2 weeks :shocked:. If you haven't repotted or fed it booster juice I can only assume its stretching for more light.
It was outdoors here under a little shade cloth.
lol it not getting leggy plenty of new leaves and its still in the same pot my camera card is not reading on the laptop but I'll get a pic up soon....there may have been some "medicine involved" . I thinks its mainly due to it always about 27 degrees minimum in the shop.

Its very healthy its looks like its about to fork and get that classic chinensis shape so the Rocoto will go in to the yard and the 7 POT will have main window feature position.
My 7-pot(awie) is doing great with very little humidity. Its getting lots of flowers although most are dropping off. If I can keep the aphids away, I might just have a monster this year.
Mine are in a slow-grow 'holding pattern' while I work out where to put another garden bed. The young uns cubby house or maybe the swing set are on precarious ground right now.