7 Pot Red vs. Brain Strain?

This may be a bit of a newb question but bare with me.  I grew a 7 pot Red this year and really loved the flavor.  As I start looking at next year and with limited space to work with I was wondering what is the comparison flavor and heat wise of the 7 Pot Red to the 7 Pot Red Brain Strain?  I've heard that the Brain Strain is hotter but not heard about the flavor comparison between the two.  Trying to decide whether to stick with the seeds I have from this years pods or buy some BS.
I realize this may sound like a dumb question from here, but what about the red 7 pot's flavor do you like? Were you looking to use it on/in anything in particular?
Don't get me wrong, I love them & grow them myself. :-) Just trying to figure out if what you like about the 7 pot exists in the brain strain.
I also just (this summer) tried the yellow brain strain and now like its flavor more than the 7 pot red as a powder as well as crunching on fresh pieces... and yes, it seems hotter (to me) than the 7 pot.
I ran into a space problem this summer and couldn't plant anywhere near what I wanted. I compromised by taking several seeds of red - yellow & douglah 7 pot jonahs and sowing them in one larger pot.
Long story longer, if you don't mind the whole open pollination thing maybe putting both in the same planter may work... good luck.
96strat said:
Have you some b s seeds of you want them. I've made the same sauce with both of those pods and the b s was hotter to
Me with good flavor.
Thanks!  PM sent
Brutaldiver said:
I realize this may sound like a dumb question from here, but what about the red 7 pot's flavor do you like? Were you looking to use it on/in anything in particular?
Don't get me wrong, I love them & grow them myself. :-) Just trying to figure out if what you like about the 7 pot exists in the brain strain.
I also just (this summer) tried the yellow brain strain and now like its flavor more than the 7 pot red as a powder as well as crunching on fresh pieces... and yes, it seems hotter (to me) than the 7 pot.
I ran into a space problem this summer and couldn't plant anywhere near what I wanted. I compromised by taking several seeds of red - yellow & douglah 7 pot jonahs and sowing them in one larger pot.
Long story longer, if you don't mind the whole open pollination thing maybe putting both in the same planter may work... good luck.
It's hard for me to describe it.  When I watch people on here doing pepper reviews and describing the flavor and burn so well I'm always impressed.  I can eat a superhot, I'm just not good at describing it.  For me I'd say that what I like is there seems to be a sweetness upfront before the burn kicks in.  I had some red bhuts last year and have a dorset naga this year, but I definitely like the flavor of the 7 pot red better.  I mainly use my hot peppers to make chilli and I like to dice them up and add them in when making homemade burgers.  I also like to dice up a mix of peppers and add a little olive oil and keep it in a jar in the fridge as a hot pepper spread for just about anything.
My main problem with space is that being relatively new to hot peppers, I don't yet know what I really like and the only way to find out is to keep trying new varieties.  Unfortunately where I am in Canada there aren't really any growers other than backyard gardeners so if I want to try something, I have to grow it myself.  I have room for about 15 to 20 plants in my little garden but they are a little tight. So it gets hard to decide what to plant, my want list is huge and over the next couple of months I have to start narrowing it down.  But that's half the fun right?
Brain strains just floor me. One punch and it`s lights out. Way, way hotter than the original red 7-pot. The flavour of Brain strains is good, but I prefer the red 7-pot, personally. 
If it were me, I`d be looking for SBJ7 and 7-pot jonah seeds. The SBJ7 is a cross between a Scotch bonnet and a 7-pot jonah, found by Patrick on THP. There`s a big thread you`ll be able to find. The favour is incredible,  but I`d say not quite superhot levels of heat. 7-pot jonah are hotter than the red 7-pot, IMHO, but have a really excellent flavour. They are not quite as hot as the Brain Strain, but are super hot.
I just got some Brain Strain Jam from PexPeppers and it is fantastic!!!
Brain strain jam!?!?! Mmmm soumds yummy!
I had the 7 pot jonahs too. These came from J Duffy. Loved the flavor and heat on all 3 (red, yellow, douglah/brown). Something about the yellow ones makes me crave more and more...
That's the problem here, so many peppers and not enough room to grow them all!  I'll have to add the SBJ7 and 7 pot Jonah's to the wish list.  I never realized how addictive these things were!  This winter it's not going to be easy to narrow down a final list.  I might have to find a way to squeeze some more garden space out of my yard without the wife noticing.  She thought I had too many this year and it looks like there be even more next year.