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7-Pot Savannah...To Uproot, or Not

This is one of three chinenses that has not produced even a flower, yet. The other two were/are Jay's Peach Scorp(already uprooted), and a Bhut Assam. Plants on either side are putting out pods, already. I'll let the Assam go a bit longer, for no good reason, but this Savannah just ticks me off. It also is crowding the giant yellow 7-Pot next to it, which is delivering the goods.

At what point do you look at a plant and say, "No more"?
Jim, my Savannah is doing the same thing. I'm considering trying to over-winter it, but it's obvious I won't get any peppers off of it before the first frost. I have a couple of other plants in the same boat, but they were combating slugs earlier this summer.
If nothing is obviously wrong, just let it do its thing - patience is often a grower's best friend. We've had a rather chilly, wet summer here so far, and the plants are all way behind where they normally are - I've gotten a whopping 2 ripe pods so far. Some plants are just now starting to put out buds while others are just opening flowers. I agree with Jamison - let them be and see what happens. Then you can make some decisions when the season is over - some might surprise you.
You ought to consider putiing your geographic location under your photo...just saying...

My season has been a scorcher as far as heat is concerned, and it will end some time in October. I'm thinking this plant is done.