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7 Pots & Scotch Bonnets (2018- )

Hey thanks austin.
My seed starting mix is almost fert-less. Neptune's 2-3-1 I used primarily as a rooting stimulant. I'm monitoring them closely and changing their conditions when they ask me to. They're doing well. I'll post pictures tomorrow.
2 weeks after sowing the first seeds they have true leaves and are about 1 cm tall.


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Still bottom-feeding distilled water with half strength fish&seaweed when they get dry. I haven't been balancing the solution. I know its acidity has been steadily lowering the soil pH. Next time, I'm giving them plain water with silica to start shifting the pH back up to neutral while building some thicker stems. Pictures soon...
SpeakPolish said:
If you like 7 pots and bonnets so much might as well cross them. Lol

This made me think of the old cereal commercial where the sister says to the brother. "WELL WHY DONCHA MARRY IT!?" xD
SpeakPolish said:
If you like 7 pots and bonnets so much might as well cross them. Lol
That is an interesting point. More than likely it will happen. When the time comes, I may choose to remove flowers on the lot of them, but select two at a time to hand pollinate. Even if I just let them open pollinate, the varieties are mostly similar. So, I don't think I would be dissatisfied with the results. Anyway, the seeds I have are all open-pollinated varieties.
I have SB7J going, which is already a cross.
Unfortunately, Scotch Brains was a conclusive failure for me. But I did get Scotch Brains (7pot Pheno).
I might like to sort-of backcross strains (e.g. Bonda Mahala bx with Bonda Ma Jacques or 7pot yellow.) I would say it mostly depends on which plants have the most noteworthy growth and production. This could take a full year for the prime specimens to separate themselves. Then, at some point, the standouts can be trimmed back and self-pollinated or crossed to provide me with good seed from an optimized genepool.
The oldest are 4 weeks from seed. 3rd set true leaves are newly formed. Still about an inch tall. The youngest are 2-1/2 weeks, and they got half strength nutes this morning.
Some yellow/purple sunburn from the LED. No worries.


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Trident chilli said:
Next season if you want to grow Bonnet Hybrids and you don't get any crosses give me a shout later in the season and I will post you some seed
Thank you for the offer. Very generous of you, sir trident. I would be thrilled to grow out any seed you send me.
Trident Chilli hooks up the raddest seeds... So grateful for the Bonnet see you sent me a few years back!

I love Bonnets, and I love Sevens, and I really like the SB7J. But I like having the right too for the job. I'm grateful that the Bonnets give me that Hab-level heat, while the various Sevens provide various level of Superheat... Horses for courses and whatnot.
These were transplanted a week ago. The following morning, I lightly watered them in (distilled). Using a brighter LED lamp; higher above them. The cups are about half a pint. This morning, I bottom fed near full strength fish&seaweed.


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I appreciate the vote of confidence. They're still an easily manageable size. I'm keeping them inside for now. Hoping to pot-up before October.
Some look slightly yellow from overwatering or possibly pH related.
No worries. They will green up.
Today, I finished feeding the rest of them with fish.
It was staggered over 3 days according to weight and overall appearance.
Next week, I'm transplanting to quarts with quality organic potting mix.
To recap: I transplanted before dark. The next day I reduced light intensity and didn't use a fan (to lessen transpiration demand on the roots' energy). Today, I added vermiculite top layer and I'm supplementing with blue LED. I know this spectrum encourages more vegetative foliar growth and the plants are probably focusing on establishing roots right now. But I didn't want to move the cups inside or the purple light outside. Hopefully, the blue keeps node spacing tight and prevents any stretch that might result from being in dim light with no fan.
In a couple days I'll start brewing an AACT that contains kelp.