7Pod? 7Pot?

CAPCOM said:
OK, I am rejuvenating this thread to put to rest any confusion besides my own.
Any difference between maddballs and maddballs7? or do we, or some of us we, get lazy when typing out names?
The same could be said about BBG and BBG 7.
A hot pepper thesaurus seems like a necessity the ways things are going.
no one? google is not much help.
My understanding is that both are the same - I list them as 7pot Madballz, and 7pot Bubblegum in my database. To my knowledge its another puh tae to, poe tot oh, situation.
RobStar said:
Ok let me jump in here.  The real name (as per Trinidadians) is a 7 Pot.  It is a generic name much like habanero or Scotch Bonnet or Congo.  It defines a landrace. 
The name 7 Pod is as a result of Bosland & Co at Numex University's Chile Institutre calling the fruit a "pod" - which is not correct - they are technically speaking berries.
There is no difference in anything named a 7 Pot/Pod.  And a lot of the things called 7 Pot/Pod are not.  The name should only be applied to those that originated in Trinidad (the typical phenotypes of the landrace) or those derived by selection from the landrace e.g. 7 Pot BrainStrain).  Things like the Primo or White 7 Pot are not 7 Pots.  The Primo is an poutcross between a Naga Morich & a Red 7 Pot and the White is an outcross between a Yellow 7 Pot & the Giant White Habanero.  They are therefore cultivars (once stabilised) and not a true landrace representative.
(Please note I have not used the term "hybrid" but rather "outcross" as you cannot hybridise plants of the same species.  It is an outcross)
What is the difference between a poutcross and an outcross?
7 Podt....
We CAN all just get along~!
Lol...Capcom posted too fast!
Yes,you should! That would be a great project!