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So the only "true" 7 Pods are those four? There is a post in the marketplace that an individual is looking for seeds for all of these varieties:

7 Pod Barrakpore
7 Pod Brown
7 Pod Brain Strain
7 Pod Burgundy
7 Pod Chocolate
7 Pod Douglah
7 Pod Douglah brown

7 Pod Yellow
7 Pod Orange
7 Pod Orange SR
7 Pod White
7 Pod Infinity

7 Pod Primo
7 Pod Primo (2)
7 Pod Long
Trinidad 7 Pod
Trinidad 7 Pod Yellow

Do the bold ones exist? I figure the ones in Italics are the same such as the Douglah, Douglah Brown and Chocolate are all probably one pepper.

Is there really 17 different strains of 7 Pods? Getting ridiculous isn't it?
7 pod currently are 5 colors ....

these 4 ....


more than White, who had no f1 hotness of a super-hot (look f2)

I have at least 20 different types

almost all those listed by Patrick ... and other

but always and only five
So the colors remain the same but there are that many different strains? If anybody would have the seeds it would be you MM. Have you grown them all? Is there a significant difference in looks or heat or flavor that warrants all the different names?

Thanks for the education.
How very odd to post in the marketplace and say you want all those varieties. Ummmm.....Someone going through lots of galleries? lol. I agree Patrick it is ridiculous. My naming convention is just to list the pepper name as provided to me and a source so I can segregate it if the pepper has a unique attribute. Most are scalding hot, but in the end you can tell these all have some connection to each other, even the Nagas, Scorpions, etc. Endless genetic variants IMO>

So the colors remain the same but there are that many different strains? If anybody would have the seeds it would be you MM. Have you grown them all? Is there a significant difference in looks or heat or flavor that warrants all the different names?

Thanks for the education.

Yes I grew up all 5 varieties ... and colors are:
yellow, orange, brown, white and red

all super-hot except white (at least in f1)
I have about 20 strains with different shapes (jonha, barrackpore, douglah, morouga, long, primo strain, etc.) but it's always 7 pod
Is there really 17 different strains of 7 Pods? Getting ridiculous isn't it?

I have seeds for 7 Pod Jokkmokk. Raised in my hometown by your favorite hot-head. The pods are smaller than they are in warmer climates so storing is easier - we all know how hard it is to find space for a years worth of powder from all your normal 7 pods.

I can guarantee that the motherplant has been seen by a heard of reindeers which gives the seeds extra magical powers (just ask Santa Claus!)

Any takers?