I think early on it's important for fertilizers to be more nitrogen-heavy to promote vegetative growth. Frankly though, if you are in potting soil with fertilizer already in there I would wait to fertilize for another 3 or 4 weeks. I start my seeds in Pro-Mix HP which has no nutrients or fertilizer. I water them with quarter-strength fish emulsion (5-1-1) until they get 4 or 5 sets of leaves, then I bump up to half-strength until after they go outside. The added benefit of fish emulsion is a whole host of micronutrients and other good stuff. If you go with the fish emulsion mix it with hose/tap water outside in a small watering can, water the seedlings in solo cups outside (the fish emulsion stinks), shake out any excess water through the drain holes, and then bring them back in. They don't stink really after that unless you get right in there with your nose.