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plant-i.d. A couple different plants

Okay, so I bought my seeds from a reputable thp member, and so far, I don't have any complaints. However, a couple plants seem to be a bit... Different (although, one just might be my own mislabeling)

Anyway, first off is what I had labeled as a chocolate bhut. It took off a bit late, so this is the only pod on it. Wondering if it's too early to tell if this might actually be a reaper or possibly a cross.


Second is what was labeled as a Black Prince. I've googled images of it and this seems to be different. Has heat similar to a cayenne and the taste isn't too far off. Ripens green-black-red.
Certainly not complaining; I was just expecting something else. Also maybe a cross?


Really looking forward to any answers you may have.
I'm new here and far from an expert. However your second picture matches what 2 of my Thai Chile Plants have done for 4 years. Green-Black-Red.  Black is hot.  Red adds some sweetness to the taste.  I put mine at Habanero  heat and above. 
Mike M
1st pod look like trindad scorpion type or 7pot type (so most likely a cross).Got a pod on my reaper that look close to that one as well.
Its not a bhut jolokia.

2nd plant could be goat weed if its hairy.
They get dark and grow pointing up and get a nice red color when mature. They are "pretty" hot to one of the hottest annuums if i dont remember wrong.
I grow a few this year will try remember to take photo and send you so you can check.
Thanks! It actually is fairly hot; I'd say less than a habanero, but I'm just guessing to be honest.

It actually does look a lot like goats weed, but it's not hairy all over like that, so it could be a cross.

I'll probably have to wait for a couple more pods to determine what the other light be.