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A couple of my habs are doing some strange things on new growth...

Hi guys, so a couple of my orange habs are looking a big different than others. Maybe its perfectly normal but I figured I'd run it by you

First one has some new leaves coming up but they are kind of deformed looking (you can see at the top) I checked for small bugs like aphids or spider mites or other nasties and didnt find any or any traces. Just want to make sure it doesnt look like some nutritional deficiency like lack of calcium...

Second picture...the plant is growing well and quick but the top set of leaves are almost vertical and not spread out. Its not like they are limp because if you try and gently pull them up straight, you can feel that its crisp and firm so its not drooping due to a lack of moisture or anything. Again, maybe its fine but want to double check :) I'm paranoid.
They are lookin pretty good, however you may want to check if your over feeding and or overwatering. Also check the drainage. Lack of air to the roots is a cause of the new leaf curl
to me that looks like pest damage...IMO all it takes is for one aphid to munch on the new growth when it is being formed and you will get deformed leaves like that...I got a lot of them.... ;)
I can't tell you what's wrong....... if it's bugs .... look underneath the leaves. You should be able to see them . Use magnification if needed. A light squirt of water will make them move most the time. Or sometimes if you rub your thumb lightly under the leaf you smash them and get a brownish stain on your thumb.

Peace & good luck,
P. Dreadie
Yep...Little buggy munching down when the leaf was forming....thats what it looks like to me..they only need a little bite when the leaf is little.
Thanks everyone for the responses. I've checked and see no sign of pests other than the deformed leaves. I do try and mist the plants twice a week including the underside but maybe there was one critter going around chewing on stuff. Well as long as it doesnt come around again and as long as my habs are fine still, then all is good :) I will find every spider I can and throw them in the flower pots. LOL. Take that you pepper leaf eating bugs!
First one the new growth looks like it's been munched on, I have seen thrips do exactly that to new growth.

The second picture, as long as it's stiff and crisp, it's just the plant bending away from the light in the later hours of the lighting period. It should aim right back up overnight.