A couple of plants have not been happy all the way.

solid7 said:
If you have had whiteflies, there's a very good chance that you're dealing with broad mites.  Broad mites hitch rides on the legs of whitefly.
Interesting, the whitefly were around a month ago. May coincide with the start of this problem.
I'm not ruling out I've over fed it either.
Mr. West said:
Mix is 80% coco, 20% compost, & some perlite.
That's a lot of compost, plus tomato feed, & anaerobic chicken poo & molasses solution.
(To me, 1 cup/gal sounds high idk)
With this many different insoluble inputs, albeit organic, residual ammoniacal nitrogen can burn/asphyxiate roots as well as attract pests & soil-borne pathogens.
We cant see the roots, but those leaves appear to have lost some turgor.
Hi, Several leaves have curled under and feel quite stiff. I can relate it to when I get cramp in my hands these days.
It is possible this strain is more sensitive to nutrients than the others I'm growing or that it has a mite infection.
I'm certainly going to cut back on nutrients. The chicken poo and molasses will be weaker for sure.
I was using chicken pellets tea till few days ago. I stopped now because I experienced similar problem with some of my plants - top leaves curl. I have other ferts to use, seaweed extract, comfrey tea, smurf juice but I'm giving them a break for a week or two, just to see if anything changes. I also suspect that could be due to pests and been giving a good neem spray every 3-5 days. 
Last night we had torrential downpour and some of my plants got soaked to the bone and I hope they got flushed out a bit. I'll make sure they don't get too wet again and will resume feeding at the weekend.
Honey Badger said:
I was using chicken pellets tea till few days ago. I stopped now because I experienced similar problem with some of my plants - top leaves curl. I have other ferts to use, seaweed extract, comfrey tea, smurf juice but I'm giving them a break for a week or two, just to see if anything changes. I also suspect that could be due to pests and been giving a good neem spray every 3-5 days. 
Last night we had torrential downpour and some of my plants got soaked to the bone and I hope they got flushed out a bit. I'll make sure they don't get too wet again and will resume feeding at the weekend.
Hi, That's interesting. I wonder if it is too "Hot" for these plants.
Think I'll lay the feeding off for a while and put some water only through them all.
I certainly have some very dark green plants right now. Perhaps a little too dark.
What with the sight of flowers and forming pods, I may well have got too enthusiastic with nutes.
Nice one, could be a big clue.
Scorchio said:
Hi, That's interesting. I wonder if it is too "Hot" for these plants.
Think I'll lay the feeding off for a while and put some water only through them all.
I certainly have some very dark green plants right now. Perhaps a little too dark.
What with the sight of flowers and forming pods, I may well have got too enthusiastic with nutes.
Nice one, could be a big clue.
There is nothing wrong with plants being dark green.  In fact, with your cooler temps, I'd expect a healthy plant to be deep dark green.  That's not a sign of anything wrong.  It's environmental.
Point being, don't use that as a criteria.  If you have overdosed nutes, your plant is going to be some other color.  Not healthy green.
solid7 said:
There is nothing wrong with plants being dark green.  In fact, with your cooler temps, I'd expect a healthy plant to be deep dark green.  That's not a sign of anything wrong.  It's environmental.
Point being, don't use that as a criteria.  If you have overdosed nutes, your plant is going to be some other color.  Not healthy green.
We are talking very dark green here. Best cover all possibilities. Takes hours but I'm going to flush them all tomorrow.
Been hot for a couple of weeks here. High 80s F. High 90% plus humidity.
Steamy. Oppressive, reminds me of getting off the plane in Malaysia.
Discovered rhubarb and custard flavoured gin. Be afraid, be very afraid.
Scorchio said:
We are talking very dark green here. Best cover all possibilities.

Discovered rhubarb and custard flavoured gin. Be afraid, be very afraid.
Yes, I understand.  But I assure you, there's no such thing as unhealthy dark green. That is completely the opposite of overdose or sick.  N overdose turns your leaves dead.  Brown.  Dryly necrotic.  Seriously.  I promise, I know what I'm talking about, here. ;)
You already have me afraid of that gin. :D
solid7 said:
Yes, I understand.  But I assure you, there's no such thing as unhealthy dark green. That is completely the opposite of overdose or sick.  N overdose turns your leaves dead.  Brown.  Dryly necrotic.  Seriously.  I promise, I know what I'm talking about, here. ;)
You already have me afraid of that gin. :D
Well flushing them can't do much harm. Have no leaves dying yet. I'm "blanket bombing" all possible problems.
Sprayed the Habanero. Flush them tomorrow. Sit back and watch. Spain on Monday so leave Wife to water them.
What could possibly go wrong.
Gin gone super trendy here recently. Way back it was safer to drink gin than water in London. Everybody was permanently drunk.
Just to catch up on this.
Flushed all my plants twice. In total each 3 gal pot got 6 gallons of just ph'd water over a week.
I did them all as I noticed similar symptoms in a couple of pepper plants.
I'm abroad and Wife is in charge and now fed them half strength organic tomatoe food.
She says they look better but I'll find out next week.
I also sprayed all with a bug killer.

And by the way.....COME ON ENGLAND TONIGHT!!!
Scorchio said:
Just to catch up on this.
Flushed all my plants twice. In total each 3 gal pot got 6 gallons of just ph'd water over a week.
I did them all as I noticed similar symptoms in a couple of pepper plants.
I'm abroad and Wife is in charge and now fed them half strength organic tomatoe food.
She says they look better but I'll find out next week.
I also sprayed all with a bug killer.

And by the way.....COME ON ENGLAND TONIGHT!!!
I assume mites are a given and treat my plants in a prophylactic manner. this is usually presented as stunted new growth and curled and deformed leaves. i have taken to spraying emulsified neem every other day for a week or two for a serious infestation and then weekly as a preventative throughout the growing season. I also am next to a row of poplar trees that constantly blow aphids and mites onto my plants so that might be the reason. recently I've been using method 1-pps which is 10% rosemary oil and 2% peppermint oil which is much less harsh on the plants but kills bugs on contact. kind of fun to see them all die in a fine mist and the spray smells much nicer than neem (gross).
thefish said:
I assume mites are a given and treat my plants in a prophylactic manner. this is usually presented as stunted new growth and curled and deformed leaves. i have taken to spraying emulsified neem every other day for a week or two for a serious infestation and then weekly as a preventative throughout the growing season. I also am next to a row of poplar trees that constantly blow aphids and mites onto my plants so that might be the reason. recently I've been using method 1-pps which is 10% rosemary oil and 2% peppermint oil which is much less harsh on the plants but kills bugs on contact. kind of fun to see them all die in a fine mist and the spray smells much nicer than neem (gross).
Hello and thanks for that.
I have used Neem a lot when in Spain growing plants which for all sorts of reasons should not be named.
solid7 gave me a heads up on mites as well.
In Spain for a week more, then back to my plants. Never heard of the rosemary and peppermint treatment. If I have a bug, which is becoming more likely, it is too small too see.
I have one pepper plant which now has holes in the leaves like eighth of inch to quarter inch holes in the middle.
Leaves are browning.
I take you point to assume infection from start. Will proceed as per,your advice in future.
Thanks again.
A quick update having been away 10 days.
So, I flushed it and stopped feeding for a few days and while I've been away, my Wife has fed it twice at 3rd strength tomatoe feed.
I also sprayed it with bug clear before leaving.
The curled leaves remain curled but new growth is lighter green and healthy. So I believe I did something right.
A 18 inches, it is my smallest plant but must have upwards of 50 flowers.
I can't complain, at moment problem is fixed.
Neem Oil on it's way and I think a regular spray is in order.
Like I said my first year but they seem to be growing at a phenomenal rate now flowering.
I think I might just sit and watch them today.