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A Fantastic Surprise!!

Okay, so I decided last Fall to Over-Winter my pride and joy seven pod plant. I cut it right down and figured that it would quietly rest through the cold Winter months and bounce back to life with a vengeance in May when I could I put it back out side. To my surprise it really took to it's new position in my West Facing living room window. It took off and grew by leaps and bounds and is really an attractive houseplant:


It started to flower, but the flowers dropped. It has had dozens and dozens of flowers all bloom and drop. Every day I'm picking up handfuls of dead blooms and tossing them. I have long since stopped looking for any little peppers to form. I haven't looked in weeks, actually. I never really expected it and never had that hope, even.

BUT!...Yesterday, while looking the plant over I noticed a pepper...

Can you imagine my surprise and delight?

But then I noticed a second one:

By now my whooping brought my son over to see what the excitement was all about and he, caught up in the moment helped me look and found a third one:

I don't know if there'll be any more or really, if these peppers will actually survive, but what a fantastic surprise. This hobby provides more genuine pleasure than any other I've ever been interested in.

Do you all feel the same Way?

And yes, after all these years of growing, it's still exciting when you find unexpected bounty.
That is one of the coolest things I've seen this entire winter, way to go PC!!

Thanks for sharing it with us too, made my day!:)
That is rather a nice surprise, the same thing happened to me with my Dorset plant. Heaps of flower drop so i stopped looking for peppers only one to be told by my housemate that he had found a pepper.

I had a decent look through it (its amazing how those little buggers can hide) and counted 6 pods! Sure made me a happy camper.

I have to agree with PRF too, it looks awesome seeing pods being grown when there is snow outside :P
Very cool Mate.....

It's good to see the mummy plant to the 7's i've got growing.....I will take the pics out and show them how well their mum is doing....:lol:
Very nice PC, please keep us posted on the little babies as the mature. It would be really cool if they fully ripened indoors for you.

Thanks again. I'm up to 5 pods now. Should I be thinking of fertilizing? It's just in the potting soil which I got at Wally World 5 or so months ago. It had some fertilizer in it but I've only watered since then. Or, should I just leave well enough alone?
I'd leave well enough alone. Your main goal is to have it survive the winter, right? I'd treat the peppers as a nice bonus and not risk triggering lots of new growth too early.