Haha, yeah, its really an extreme chili

Amazing in so many ways.
I had to taste it! I just chopped of a tiny tiny bit and put it in my mouth. Immidietly i burned my tongue and had to spit it out! I chopped one of the pieces into extremely small pieces and smelled it. I had to make a sauce out of it.
I used the same recipe that i always do, the same recipe that i used yesterday for my cayennes. I was amazed by the result! The 7-pod was loaded with taste and made the sauce totally different from the batch i made yesterday. The taste reminds alot of when i make the sauce with Scotch Bonnet but with even more intense flavour. Since i only used a small piece of 7-pod the sauce is still eatable for newbies and still has the great taste from the 7-pod!!!
Tomorrow i hopefully will get the 100 empty bottles ive ordered. And later this week ill make a big batch with ~60 bottles from this years harvest. I only wish i had some more 7-pod instead of the boring ones im going to cook with
Now im about to take a tablespoon of 7-pod sauce, brush my teath, go to bed and dream about ripe pods - whispering my name
Take care!