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A (hopefully) simple question ...

Hi all, this is my first year growing peppers, just looking for a little advice. I was curious if the round balls in my pictures are my plants' first buds? Pictured are King Naga and Bahamian Goat Peppers ... thanks in advance!

King Naga

Bahamian Goat Pepper

The spread, from L-R ... Moruga BBG7, King Naga, random bush cucumber, BOC, and Bahamian Goat Pepper. Any advice on when I should transplant? I have been hardening off and on for a week or so, I live in central MN and am planning on 5 gallon buckets in order to move them as necessary. Thank you!
Excellent! Thank you Juanito... given my region's short growing season, would it make sense to let them bloom, or should I snip them off? Do my plants look healthy from what you can see?
let em bloom.  They will likely drop on their own, but you MAY get at least one pod out of the first ones.  I have a giant Aji Sugar Rush on a small plant right now.  Had 5 or 6 buds and dropped them all but this one.
Those are gonna be white blooms soon enough. You have the right mindset with the short growing season. Leave them be for that reason I'd say. I would transfer right now since you're saying you'll be able to move those buckets around still. If you need to continue hardening them off then it should still be feasible.
Thank you guys! I will continue hardening for a few more days, probably transplant them this weekend. Typical potting soil mixed with some organic fertilizer going to be okay? I have a supply of rabbit droppings I plan to use, as I have heard it makes excellent fertilizer ... whether direct or in "tea" form ... anything else I'm missing? This site is a great resource for noobs like myself ... thanks to all who are so helpful!!

Congrats on choosing a delicious pepper to grow. Those goats are up high on a lot of best tasting lists. I think they are plenty hot too!