A little advice needed, please.

For the record, I don't usually do 24/7 but haven't noticed any problems when I do/did. I wouldn't think 12 hours is enough, prefereing aroung 16-18hrs myself. Often its the plants that get less hours of light(and/or poor light) that stretch and get tall/leggy quick.
Pam said:
I'm with you, Dale. I don't do 24/7 lights on my plants, and I haven't started any peppers but the Nagas. There is a pretty large what I call "hot rod" component in this community. You know BiggerBetterFasterHotterVroomVroomVroom!! They're pimping out their grow rooms like some guys pimp out their rides.

Well, I don't know what to say except I keep my lights on 24/7 and have not had any bad luck so far. Wife has not said anything about the electric bill going up (yet). I think pepper plants are not people (even though I talk to them) and do not get tired as far as I know. Therefore, the more light you can give them, the more they will grow.

I like your "pimping out their grow rooms" statement. Wife has put her foot down on the solar green house Pam and said no, however there was a compromise that came about. I will post a new thread here in a few minutes titled "January 2008 project".
12 hrs of light for a plant started in mid Feb. and that is going out around the end of may or middle of may is plenty. I keep my plants right up to the lights sometimes even touching and after viewing around 700 pics today I can not find a leggy plant in any of them. Now if there were some facts to say that they would produce larger fruits or bigger fruits or even more vibrant colored fruits I would probably leave the lights on longer. How many people here get that much sunlight in a day were you live? If they are not getting it from the sun they are not going to get it from my basement. Maybe I am just lucky and it works very well for me.


Pam said:
There is a pretty large what I call "hot rod" component in this community. You know BiggerBetterFasterHotterVroomVroomVroom!! They're pimping out their grow rooms like some guys pimp out their rides.

Mexicans are more succinct: Machismo