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A Mighty Wind!

It's been a tough couple of days across the southeast and now the mid-Atlantic states. Hopefully none of you had major loss of property or injuries.

Today in North Carolina we had major wind and thunderstorms, locally we had 45+ mph gusts.

One major gust blew over my small greenhouse. 4'x8' and it takes two men to lift it. I rushed outside to find out if plants were crushed. With a lump in my throat, I righted the structure and looked in to find.... the two flats containing 25 plants were miraculously OK. Sitting at a 45 degree angle, in 25mph wind the extra tall flats I used prevented any loss of crop.

Then another gust lifted the whole thing off the ground again, this time with me hanging on for dear life. Tools and supplies scattered and I held the thing down myself, at 230lbs I made a good anchor. As soon as the wind subsided I quickly rigged some tie-downs and made it through the rest of the day OK. I wish I had video, it would be totally comical with me running through the yard sledgehammer in hand going to the rescue!

I'm glad I had not planted out anything yet, and I expect some folks may be grieving over their gardens tonight.
I'm shocked that my little 4x8 greenhouse hasn't toppled over. Tomorrow will be another test of its durability. I've checked the stakes every day and they're surviving.

In northern Ohio we haven't gad too many 40+ gusts but a lot of constant wind. Nothing quite like what you've gone through! Glad your plants are okay though.
....Then another gust lifted the whole thing off the ground again, this time with me hanging on for dear life. Tools and supplies scattered and I held the thing down myself, at 230lbs I made a good anchor. As soon as the wind subsided I quickly rigged some tie-downs and made it through the rest of the day OK....

Way to 'hang in there' dude! Epic. Shows just how attached we get to these little plant fellers, I guess. Tough sledding for a lot of folks for sure.
We got a few storms here in southern IL too. The tornado warning didn't produce anything, thankfully, but we still got 60+ mph winds locally and some hail. The damage was surprisingly minimal aside from a few shredded leaves on the larger plants.
I planted out two weeks ago and all mine survived the nastyness. Granted all mine so far have been overwintereds in the garden so that helps their sturdiness.
Supposedly we had a tornado here tonight. I did not see it and am fine, but I think it was close. My cat went nuts and raced off the couch and down the steps just as the winds kicked up and the rain started pounding. I then turned on the weather channel just in time to see a tornado warning before the power went out. The power was out for about three hours. I'll go check out the neighborhood in the morning, but everything right here seems fine.