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harvesting A modest harvest...8-20-08

It has been a while since I have posted an update and I thought I would share a modest harvest that I got today. As a few of you have been experiencing, I too found a couple pods with Blossom End Rot. However, it seemed to be in the beginning stages and only found on a few rip pods. I think that they even may be salvageable since I think that I can simply cut out the bad spot. BTW the "mystery Peppers" I know include a couple Mariachi Peppers, but I lumped them in with the others that I haven't a clue what they are. I will not be buying anymore mixed pepper packs for this reason (I like to know what I'm growing.

I hope everyone's garden is also coming along great and I apologize for not being around as much lately, it has been crazy around here and it has been all I can do just to keep up with my plants and family. It simply doesn't seem to be enough time in a day lately. I sure hope it eases up soon because I still have to finish setting up my grow room.

Well, here is my harvest of today...

Thanks and I'm sitting here enjoying the after burn from eating one of the smaller Orange Habs. Yummy...nothing better than a fresh picked pod. :)
Nice harvest. I have noticed from everyones pictures some plants are producing better this time of year than others. I'm also getting alot of cayanne, jalapeno, and serrano right now. Ready for the super hots to return in force.
nice harvest PF

I agree totally with PRF...getting plenty of cayenne, serrano, japs, israeli reds, and some chilis for my basic powder but the superhots are very slow to produce for me here...after the break in the heat and getting some rain, the superhots are taking off and producing lots of flowers and some new tiny fruit...bring it on...

I took a fresh orange hab to work today and gave it to one of my converts...he took one bite of it at lunch and came over to my cubicle with sweat running down his face and his tongue hanging out...not a word was said, he just went back to his desk, sat down and finished eating...like you say PF...nothing like a fresh picked pod...
T/Y...I just wish that my other peppers like my other varieties of Habs and Scotch Bonnetts hurry up and get rip before the end of the season.