• Blog your pepper progress. The first image in your first post will be used to represent your Glog.

A Pepperhead glog: Pickling, Saucing, and Powdering

Okay Chiliheads,
At the end of the month I will begin my crop for this season, as it seems the hard core chilis take a while to germinate. Then it got me thinking...Why not run a few experiments to see what germination method works best. People seemed to have some issues with the Reapers so I figure I'll start there and do the same with some other superhots and compare the results.
I'm going to try three methods of germination: Overnight soaking in a solution, scarifying the seeds then overnighting in a damp towel, and for a control just straight into the dirt.
For the solution I'm going to experiment with a vinegar base, I'm thinking equal parts vinegar and water and a little H2O2. I'm trying vinegar off the animal digestive tract transportation and deposit theory. Let's see if the vinegar acidity breaks down the shell a little.
I'm going to use a matchbook to scarify the seeds for the damp papertowels.
I will do my best to post temps, soil conditions, water amounts, etc.
All results with some pictures and colorful graphs will be posted.

I know this forum is full of smartypants, many with much smarter pants than me, so I actively encourage ideas and constructive criticisms to make this as scientifically accurate as I can make it. Perhaps a recommendation for the vinegar solution?

What this Glog is: Hopefully fun and educational for the Glogger and the reader.

What it is not: A forum to whine about the seed suppliers. Even the slightest grumble about any of the suppliers of my seeds will get you reported. My Glog, my rules.

So give me some ideas and the last week of January I'll be ready to go! Enjoy!
wahlee76 said:
Great update(s).
Just hope the witch's nose doesn't fly away on a broom.
The Primo looks evil enough, a shame there's only one, yet.
Hope to see some more color soon :P
Actually found out that was a lie.  There are 2 primos on that plant.  Saw it the other day from a different angle.  I've got 3 more primo plants, 2 of decent size, that will probably produce well (when they start podding up).
Pepperhead said:
Actually found out that was a lie.  There are 2 primos on that plant.  Saw it the other day from a different angle.  I've got 3 more primo plants, 2 of decent size, that will probably produce well (when they start podding up).
An honest mistake is not a lie :P . Equally important is that there are more pods (coming) :dance: . I had primo's last year, lots of pods, but small and almost no stingers on them. I think I'll try again next year and keep it in a greenhouse.
Pepperhead said:
I made a long, rambling video with all my garden stuff but the camera I used makes the video jumpy and I was afraid people would have seizures so this is what you get.  Until I use a better video camera, that is.
I figured out that the jumpy video is a result of it being shot in HD, but being watched on my non-hd computer.  Gonna be hard to get over in the editing process.  I need to get an Ipad.
Swamp Monster said:
Excellent glog! I particularly liked the experiment at the beginning. Good luck with that wascally 7 pot.
Thanks for reading!  Tell all your friends!  ;)
Thought I had a Brain Strain pod.  Saw the little pistil sticking out.  Went to check on it today and the little bugger fell off.  Hopefully tomorrow will see another. :(
So one of my Bhuts had a really dry woody stem and I thought, even though it's green, it might be done, so I picked it.  Stem still green inside and it had started turning a shade of yellow.  My bad.  Rather than throw it away I figured let's cut it in half and have a look.  Smelled okay, looked ok, fine.  WTH, I'll give it a go.
My first super hot.
I knew this was no bell pepper.  I prepared myself.  I thought "just a little sliver to try it."  I put it in my mouth to take a tiny bite, the tip of my tongue lightly brushed it.  All I have to say is...WHAT THE HELL IS WRONG WITH YOU PEOPLE?!?!  For the love of all that is holy I swear my whole tongue burst into flame.  You testers are freaking insane. 
Can't wait to try a red one.
I've only tasted two, both were small pieces. The cool thing is I was able to taste the flavor for a while, the whole time I chewed, and I chewed it completely. The burn for me was after the swallow. The really red ripe ones will provide the flavor your looking for. The heat well, ever hit your thumb with a hammer? It really doesn't last too long :crazy:
And your mouth won't have the purple fingernail :D
Here's a quick step by step for my Ghost peppers:

My Bhuts as just little cotys.  They're so cute at that age.  This was just under a month after planting.

Just 5 days later.  First true leaves. (Sigh)

Ten more days.

Bhut on the right, 19 days later.

June 7th, 9 or ten weeks later.
And now:

It's seems like it's been forever since these things were just seeds sitting in a little plastic bag, and now they have pods of their own.  Where does the time go?
My regular 7 Pots have somehow conspired with my Brain Strain and they both refuse to set pods.  No matter how much I stare at them or will them to convert from buds to pods, it just isn't happenning.  Is there some way to convince my plants that setting pods is in their own reproductive interest?  Maybe some Barry White?  A little Fox Farms Funky Cold Medina?
I saw something like that on the burpee site.  I thought about buying some never did.  Maybe I'll reconsider.
Hmm.  Just looked at the Blossom Spray site.  Says it would produce "almost seedless" tomatoes.  Not sure I want "almost seedless" peppers.
Great pics. The difference between 9 weeks and now shows how strong these plants are. Seems like it has recovered from bad weather conditions or something.
If they have blssoms, but not pods, have you tried hand-pollenating with a paintbrush? I have 2 plants that need it for some reason (outdoors), even though they get bee visits.
Swamp Monster said:
If they have blssoms, but not pods, have you tried hand-pollenating with a paintbrush? I have 2 plants that need it for some reason (outdoors), even though they get bee visits.
I may try this.  Is it like with pumpkins, just brush one onto another or by brushing do they self pollinate?.  I have one 7 Pot in a smaller container that has set pods.  But my big one and that damn Brain Strain are just beffuddling me.  They get bee visits, but I think they get more Japanese Beetle visits. :mad:
Wahlee- It was one of my sunburn victims early on and I think was still recovering at that phase.
Pepperhead said:
I saw something like that on the burpee site.  I thought about buying some never did.  Maybe I'll reconsider.
Hmm.  Just looked at the Blossom Spray site.  Says it would produce "almost seedless" tomatoes.  Not sure I want "almost seedless" peppers.
I tried this once a couple of years ago on a datil that I had indoors. It did in fact produce a round of seedless peppers. I used it on some greenhouse tomato plants, just for kicks but I don't remember how seedy they were. I wasn't particularly impressed with the peppers it produced, but apparently I can't grow a datil to save my life, after four tries in a row with them, I never produced more than a couple of handfuls combined.
I go back and forth between both plants that need hand pollination. Not sure if it would work with just one or not. I do this about once a week with each flower. They get lots of pods this way.

I have a couple of giant okras that all the japanese beetles attack instead of my peppers, and I pick them off and drown them in soapy water each morning.
Sneaky beetles here attack at night and I never catch them.
First fully red super!  I took it with my phone so it's a little fuzzy.

And can anyone tell me if this is a beneficial insect?

It's about 4 inches long and just horrific looking.
Crazy bug there. I saw a guy on YouTube use a vibrating toothbrush, took a small diameter metal rod, bent the end and attached the other to the brush. Turn on and use the hook to touch the limb that the flowef is on and it shakes the hell out of it and pollinates the flower. Seems faster and a bit easier.