pests A pest you growers should be aware of

Please watch this video, very informative and may answer some growers problems
   It's nice to know there's finally something that will kill stink bugs. I fought them all last season. Nasty little guys! Thanks for the heads up.
I don't think I'll have to worry about those guys where I am. But who knows in the future, descriptions on pepper weevils I read say nothing about Washington, it lists them as Florida and South America Pests. Odd and a little scary. but very informative nonetheless. I'm planning on moving to a warmer area with a longer season eventually for crop production, but you guys sure make me see the downsides too!

And it hasn't been a problem this year but sometimes we experience native and/or invasive stink bug population explosions here in VA. Nice to know there's an organic to eradicate them with just in case.