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a preppers pepper pick one

ok so you guys have seen people prepin and puting up cans and digin holes in various shows and what not but a hole lot of them are saving organic non gmo seeds to plant and survive off of,,Lets say and it would seem imposible to us, that we could only have one do it all pod or variety to restart civilazation off of what would it be, Some things i would be lookin at good germination, nutrition,drying storing, yeild,criter an sicknes resistanse)drout resistance,polinates easy, also would it be a super hot or medium hot cuz you would have to share remember :rolleyes: would be cool to hear what variety each member would pick to get em thru if doomsday came ,please state it like this if you can

example :
variety: chili de arbol

genus : cap Annum

reason for growing:

works very well in my climate were i plan to live drys easy can be consumed fresh or dry also made in to hot sauce or in to a paste the wild turkeys left it alone but ate all my chili peqins last year so i have a better chance of harvest with this pepper...

my plan for this pepper:

i can trade my dry pods for corn ex...........thats why i pick chili de arbol.... you can add pics and just have fun with it I think it will be an informative and fun thread and would like to see how yall think on this cant wait to read yall coments .....pepperhog..
Seriously? I only get to pick one? So unfair!

Variety - Cayenne Long Slim

Genus - Cap Annum

Reason for Growing - Fast to harvest, can be grown in short seasons, works well in any growing medium. Very productive, tastes great fresh and dried. Dries very well in ristras. Also works well in pickling and sauces. Good heat levels.

My Plan for this Pepper - Keep them all for myself, create my own personal defense pepper sprays and insect repellants.
Seriously? I only get to pick one? So unfair!

Variety - Cayenne Long Slim

Genus - Cap Annum

Reason for Growing - Fast to harvest, can be grown in short seasons, works well in any growing medium. Very productive, tastes great fresh and dried. Dries very well in ristras. Also works well in pickling and sauces. Good heat levels.

My Plan for this Pepper - Keep them all for myself, create my own personal defense pepper sprays and insect repellants.

I was going to specify Cayenne as well. Along with everything TGPS said, I have also read that it acts as a sort of natural pest repellent. Also it is a pretty standard pepper for spicing up dishes for "normal" people. :) -- Not incredibly hot, but still has a bit of heat to it.
On your criteria i would say


cause they can grow about everywhere (even in northern zone like mine)
not to hot to have a lot of pottential customer to trade your corn and moonshine
very resistant, easy to pickle, etc...

personnaly i would go with Aji Lemon cause they are great, and i love them!!!! and i would easily find someone to trade jalapeno seeds with since jalapeno is very popular ;)
nice as i suspected a lot of medium heat annums so far they grow fairly fast most people are used to the flavor of em cayenne is top so far, keep em commin I wonder when im gonna hear some one say weapon grade gohst peppers is all i will grow the zombies hate em LOL
Variety - Scotch Bonnet

Genus - Capsicum Chinense

Reason for Growing - Very very hardy pepper that grows in tropical climates of the Caribbean and is an very old generation of pepper. Good flavor and nice heat. Very abundant producer and fruits all year long indefinitely.
Depending where you live the fruit in the Spring,less in the summer and again in the fall.
They put out lots of big pods,Don't need re planting and can get HUGE plants.
Plants can be strung up like grape vines on a trellis too.










Variety: infinity

Genus: capsicum Chinese

Reason for growing: relatively thin walled easy to dry. Also a little goes a long way 1 pepper can be used to spice a meal just enough to give it some heat without killing the people who don't like superhot stuff. Carries a fine amount of seeds to keep growing.
Hungarian Wax Pepper
It is a short season/early harvest staple. It is not as hot as a jalapeno, but still has a bit of a kick. Large pods, prolific, and can pump out several harvests before the end of the season. It has a lot of seeds to keep your seed bank replenished (or to trade with other "preppers" for different veggie seeds).
Just one?

I argue for 2.
1 for eating.
1 for self defense. :fireball:
My choice would be:
Pick a cayenne for eating.
Naga Viper for defense----seems to have the fastest onset of fire.
Not enough pepper porn for ya? LOL
I guess I got a little carried away...
I only keep seeds from pods that are 3 1/2 in. or bigger. :)

I just picked up 20 + lbs. a little while ago.
Nobody like a showoff Smokemaster! :rofl: I am in your boat though...
[background=rgb(255, 244, 228)]Manzanos/Rocotos.[/background]
[background=rgb(255, 244, 228)]C.Pubescens[/background]
[background=rgb(255, 244, 228)]Reason: Overwinters easily and grows well in my climate. Plant and pods can grow to very large proportions. Only drawback is the thick fleshed fruit is difficult to dry, but with that lighter I'm packing away I am gonna give smokemaster a run for his dried pod money! I would use them to trade for concubines....[/background]
I've got nothing on Hombre.
He did grow out a lot of the seeds I gave him though - Dino pods...
Clean the pods-separate the center from the pods.Then freeze them.
When they thaw a LOT of water comes out of them and they dry a lot faster.
Lately to save $ I've been dehydrating them 90% then smoking them.
40 lbs. of almost dry pods is less smokers full to deal with.
I turned 100 lbs. onto 30 or less.
Beth(Peppermania) just turned me on to a couple dehydrators so I'll see if there is any difference in quality between pre dry pods and cold smoke dry pods.
Cold smoke is a lot of work walking the line between too much smoke and not enough.
I use only hard wood for smoking.No pellets or whatever.Chunks and branches.
Any of the really potent superhots: brains, butch T, Moruga, et.al.

Why? In a real SHTF scenario, you are likely to have to move at a moments notice, or eat for extended periods of time on what you already have stored. Super hots will provide quite a bit of vitamin A and C as well as plenty of heat by only using a little of the peppers so you can pack or store more lightly. Also, easily dried and ground up for self defense powder. <-- just make sure you are up wind :D
smokemaster nice pepper porn you like em hairy dont ya pubescens get it LoL got some mansano yellow roccotos popin up right now definetly not a bad pepper