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fermenting A question about water/salt solution for fermentation...

I've read the sticky on fermentation probably a dozen times and I am just trying to make sense of it.  Does everyone put their pepper mash in a container and add the water/pickling salt solution mentioned in the fermentation sticky?  I've gone through about 3 batches of fermentation, and I only added kosher salt with good results...the fermentation kicks off really quickly.  I guess my question is if the water/salt solution is a better, more reliable way to go? 
The water/salt solution is to keep the bad nasties from getting a firm hold in the mash before the Lacto can get a good start. Lactobacillius naturally occur on the pods in a wild form and the wild lacto can do the job but with wild lacto there is no telling which lacto we have in there. The use of a starter is to ensure that we're using the same lacto batch to batch so the there is consistency in the flavor of the mash and the sauce / salsa / whatever your making from it after it finishes. Hope this helps to explain.
Salt and water solution will be a bit better than just putting in salt directly. Even if you stir, the salt might not dissolve uniformly and you will have pockets with high salt content that the lacto doesn't like, and pockets with low salt content that other nasties will enjoy.
Good luck!