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A question on heat

Currently Im heating up an area of my room to germinate seeds, which Im having terrific success with. My question is, once the seeds are germinated and growing under lights, is supplemental heat still necessary? My house stays high 60s to 70s otherwise.
Once a few inches tall (say 6-8), and with a fair amount of root development, then generally additional heat is not required. Will be a bit slower veg growth though. But if you are wanting indoors production, then you may need some more heat. Keep them off the floor tho, way cooler down there.

I've got a 1 month old aji rojo trying to form a bud right now, and its at 60 night, 65 day.
While raising temp may be great for top growth, a soil (media) temp of anything between 70 and 78 will be phenomenal for root oxygen levels.  I will aim for optimal root zone on any given day.  60's is a little chilly, but still workable.  Definitely don't let the feet get any colder than that.