Well alright now, damn it.
I obviously planted my superhots WAY too late in the season.
This is because I always germinate my seeds in two seperate "waves", That way, I still have a chance, in case the first "wave" fails,
And sure enough, this year, my first "wave" was almost entirely destroyed by an aphid infestation.
The delicate seedlings were not yet 10 cm / 3 inches tall and already completely covered in aphids. Aphids in LAYERS. Literally. Everywhere. A nightmare ! It was, indeed, out of control.
Spraying only worsened the situation, and as much as it pained me, I ended up chucking nearly all my baby plants in the garbage. And then it was time to start all over again.
But it was too late.
Because now in the end of the season, I have a number of superhots that are looking good, with vigorous growth, and healthy,dark green leaves.
BUT THEY ARE ONLY NOW BEGINNING TO BUD UP. There however, hundreds of tiny buds beginning to form. No flowers in sight.
It's simply too late now. Soon it will be too cold outside for the plants.
I do have some grow space indoors (a closet with DIY Leds, and two bookshelves with fluorescent tubes), but that space is already occupied by clones and even new seedlings.
Taking outdoor plants inside is nearly always a bad idea, anyhow.
What to do ?
1) Try to keep them going indoors with natural light ? I really doubt the winter light (in Northern Europe) will be sufficient for the plants to start flowering, much less fruiting. In addition, having a whole bunch of plants indoors will almost certainly invite more aphids, which could jeopardize next years seedlings.
2) Rigorous pruning and overwintering. This also sucks, because the plants are looking good, and it seems like a waste to throw out all these branches that the plant invested so much energy in.
Upside is I have some room on the stairs of my apartment where they get natural light and where temps don't drop below freezing.
It's a real dilemma... Questions, questions....
I obviously planted my superhots WAY too late in the season.

This is because I always germinate my seeds in two seperate "waves", That way, I still have a chance, in case the first "wave" fails,
And sure enough, this year, my first "wave" was almost entirely destroyed by an aphid infestation.
The delicate seedlings were not yet 10 cm / 3 inches tall and already completely covered in aphids. Aphids in LAYERS. Literally. Everywhere. A nightmare ! It was, indeed, out of control.
Spraying only worsened the situation, and as much as it pained me, I ended up chucking nearly all my baby plants in the garbage. And then it was time to start all over again.
But it was too late.
Because now in the end of the season, I have a number of superhots that are looking good, with vigorous growth, and healthy,dark green leaves.
BUT THEY ARE ONLY NOW BEGINNING TO BUD UP. There however, hundreds of tiny buds beginning to form. No flowers in sight.
It's simply too late now. Soon it will be too cold outside for the plants.
I do have some grow space indoors (a closet with DIY Leds, and two bookshelves with fluorescent tubes), but that space is already occupied by clones and even new seedlings.
Taking outdoor plants inside is nearly always a bad idea, anyhow.
What to do ?
1) Try to keep them going indoors with natural light ? I really doubt the winter light (in Northern Europe) will be sufficient for the plants to start flowering, much less fruiting. In addition, having a whole bunch of plants indoors will almost certainly invite more aphids, which could jeopardize next years seedlings.
2) Rigorous pruning and overwintering. This also sucks, because the plants are looking good, and it seems like a waste to throw out all these branches that the plant invested so much energy in.
Upside is I have some room on the stairs of my apartment where they get natural light and where temps don't drop below freezing.
It's a real dilemma... Questions, questions....