A Small Harvest

Today I took a walk in the garden to check things out after our 5 1/2 inches of rain over the last 2 days and I found a couple ripe peppers that begged to be picked.
Peruvian White Habaneros and Zavory Red Habaneros

Size Comparisons

For their size, the Peruvian Habs are scorchers, it took me a whole glass of milk before I felt any relief at all. The taste, to me, was good, a little fruity for a second then BAM! Hotness.


The Zavory on the other hand is a wonderful pepper, very mild but great Habanero flavor, think Orange Hab without the burn, I am definately saving seeds from these beauties. They should add some wonderful color to my pickled pepper jars and flavor too. I tried a Zavory while it was still green and it was kind of bitter, but it changed to wonderful when ripe.
those are huge white habs matt...I sure wouild like some of those seeds...I am very willing to pay or trade...either way...I think you know what I am growing...
those are huge white habs matt...I sure wouild like some of those seeds...I am very willing to pay or trade...either way...I think you know what I am growing...
AJ, youre the man on this forum, you know that, paying for seeds is not an option for you, just shoot me a PM with your address and I will send you some when they are dried.
thanks Matt....pm sent....
Interesting timing, because just a little bit ago I got done eating a Zavory pepper that I cut off the plant earlier. It had very little heat, which is of course as advertised, but IMO completely lacking the unique taste of the standard orange habanero. It has that chinense base flavor, but it's lacking the uniqueness it claims to inherit from the regular habanero. I'm not completely impressed, and I kind of doubt I'll grow it again. My entire point of growing it was in the hope that it *would* provide that flavor I'm looking for, so I could increase the habanero flavor without adding the heat of, say, five or seven habaneros. Oh well... it was interesting, and they are some pretty peppers it produces. And there are a lot more pending ripening.
good peppers! those white habs will put the pain to you despite the size. i've only grown zavory once. you can pop those like candy. almost no burn. whoever bred the zavory strain did awsome. for people that wanna taste a hab and not be howling at the moon zavory is the way to go.