• Do you need help identifying a 🌶?
    Is your plant suffering from an unknown issue? 🤧
    Then ask in Identification and Diagnosis.

A thank you...

This may sound a bit sappy :lol: but I want to give a thank
you to everyone who got me started seed wise and to all who
have given me advice to get my seeds started and to all who
pointed out potential problems to my plants and kept me going.
(would have been easy to give up once I got my puppy but I stuck with it :))So thanks to everyone on this great site!!!!
Come fall hopefully some pics of some fresh pods and game birds!!:)
I am not sure if I helped you but I can say this forum has alot of good people that are all about helping out anyone that needs help with hot .
I have been growing stuff for years and my love for hot is an addiction so a site like this is great for posting pics and asking questions when stuff goes bad .
I am looking forward to seeing your pepper harvest .

Tom, being a newbie too, I'm not sure how helpful I have been. But, I wanted to give thanks to you for your great advise and helping me along as well. You are right, this is a great site made up of some really wonderful people. I believe that collectively, this is a great community. :)
For me this is my first year starting from seed also...and what I have done comes from advice here on THP.

I also would like to extend a word of thanks to all who have answered my questions and helped me along...
AlabamaJack said:
I also would like to extend a word of thanks to all who have answered my questions and helped me along...

I want to thank everyone who so patiently helped me too... You all are great! Thanks for all of your advise and with sharing your pepper wisdom. I don't know if I could have gotten as far without all of your help...
I would like to join in as well. I would have lost all of my plants by now if it weren't for the people on this site.
I'd also like to say THANX to everybody who has provided advice, seeds or just a good laugh and this forum for being there.

Actually looking over all my seeds I must say a massive thank you to people all over the world. I've got about a hundred different varieties but must have only bought around ten of them, the rest were swaps or very kind people.
rainbowberry said:
Actually looking over all my seeds I must say a massive thank you to people all over the world. I've got about a hundred different varieties but must have only bought around ten of them, the rest were swaps or very kind people.
I know what you mean. don't have too many seeds, but the ones I do have, I didn't buy. :P
Well there's few I did, but just few.
VERY kind people, and great swappers.
Ciao all-

I have to say, since discovering several different gardening forums, gardeners in general seem to be a very generous group. Most of my gardening wisdom comes from kind people such as yourselves who give their hard earned knowledge and seeds willingly and eagerly. I know I get a certain delight when someone who has grown nothing but sub-standard tomato hybrids discovers the wonderful rainbow world of heirlooms, when that newbie takes their first steps from buying plants to sowing from seed and gains success which turns to confidence and then passes that knowledge onto the next person, it feels good.

I find it hard to believe that so many of you are growing from seed for the first time. When I look at the various photos of all of your plants, I'm amazed, absolutely amazed. Our peppers never look as tall and lush as the ones I'm seeing. I'm realizing how important it is to start seeds early, perhaps even earlier than February in our short season. I'm keen to see if second-hand information can be of some practical use for Duane's season.

Thanks to those of you who have shared seeds with me, despite me being exceedingly new here. I appreciate that and it will not be forgotten. You're a good group. :)