seeds AACT and seedlings...

For a 1-3 month old seedling, do you think this recipe below is too strong, or is it intended for a fully grown plant?  (It is from the pinned tutorial.)
1 - 2 cups organic worm castings, 4 TBSP of molasses, a handful of green grass clippings, 1 TBSP of Fish and Kelp Emulsion, 1/4 cup each various guanos (I use at least 3 types), and 1/2 cup mushroom compost.
I'm not an expert when it comes to blending tea mixes. Worm castings and worm tea will never burn your plant. But as long as you dont go too heavy on the guano you should be fine. Personally I'd recommend just buying a preblended tea. (xtreme tea, boogie brew, theres other ones out there.) Your guanos should be fine just be sure to dilute it if it is opaque.
But I have noticed that people that have made their own concoctions havent had too good of results. Just an observation and suggestion.
best of luck,
Most problems come from misinformation :)
DIY tea is supreme, and easily made. That tea is crazy strong on guano for a seedling and all over the place with the ingredients, how much water to buff with?
Pretty sure this link is in the stickied tea thread, microbeorganics dot com has everything you need, skip down to recipes if you aren't a "reader" and you'll still benefit. Yeah I plug that site a lot. Usually following a recommendation to use bottled products, crazy recipes or someone convinced they need someone else to send them PVC tubing and a bucket in the mail.
Mushroom compost is a bit dodgy, they live and die by fungicides and harsh chemical control.
Roguejim said:
For a 1-3 month old seedling, do you think this recipe below is too strong, or is it intended for a fully grown plant?  (It is from the pinned tutorial.)
1 - 2 cups organic worm castings, 4 TBSP of molasses, a handful of green grass clippings, 1 TBSP of Fish and Kelp Emulsion, 1/4 cup each various guanos (I use at least 3 types), and 1/2 cup mushroom compost.
First of all, good job on the grass clippings! And second, I doulbt you will hurt anything with a brew like that.
However It does make me wonder if you can get a PH offset with all that guano, probably not though. I bet it works well, good luck.
You should take a before and after pictures or set up a "non tea" plant to see if you can tell a difference.