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AACT's brother: FPE (Fermented Plant Extracts)

georgej said:
is there any way of knowing when it's ready to use?

When fermentation stops/slows (no more bubbles) , and ph is below 4 (in warm weather after about 1 week or 10 days. )

But I sometimes use it earlier - while at the same time leaving it fermenting .
You are fermenting kelp, right ?
... it seems that the bull-kelp is veeeery robust - even when ferminting ...
I puree'd the snot out of it and literally nearly burned up the blender (got smoke coming out of it) ... yet it still isnt fully done after 1,5 -2 weeks ... however, I already started using it (while letting it continue to ferment)
cheers, Al
Al-from-Chile said:
You are fermenting kelp, right ?
... it seems that the bull-kelp is veeeery robust - even when ferminting ...
I puree'd the snot out of it and literally nearly burned up the blender (got smoke coming out of it) ... yet it still isnt fully done after 1,5 -2 weeks ... however, I already started using it (while letting it continue to ferment)
cheers, Al
im using brown rockweed. its real high in growth hormones because of the huge amount of branching.
Its pretty much finished, but its been really hot recently. im gonna foliar feed a bit this weekend, which will be 1.5 weeks and just let the rest carry on
Wow, fascinating thread, I will be following,  Anyone have results to post?  Fortunately I have tons of camellia blooms at the moment, so collecting them now to run through the blender.  I have tons of azalea, but they will be  blooming in a few weeks here, so might be too late to see results this season.
haha I was just thinking about this thread the other day.  Glad to see someone is still interested.  I might be trying it later on this season for my DWC buckets.
OK, I have one bucket of camellia blooms fermenting and another bucket waiting on some more rain water this week to start the fermentation process.  Will be going back through Al's plant property list to see what other natural materials I have on hand to ferment next.  Between AACT, FPE and my just started Bokashi compost, I am hoping to have a strong garden season this year.
filmost said:
I need to get a ferment going soon. Got my lacto ready and chilling in the fridge waiting to be used.
That seaweed fert I found on Amazon is a Lacto kelp formula. No need to make any. I've got loads of the stuff haha
If you need a fermentation starter, just buy some yogurt. Whey, the liquid that separates out of a container of yogurt, is full of live Lactobacilis. 

True, but you can make more with some milk and rice wash.
filmost said:
Can we use it to further ferment other things?
Unless it's been pasteurised (which it hasnt) in theory, yeah. You can propagate extra bacterium with the right conditions and ferment.

What are you looking at fermenting?
Equally you can use kimchee juice lol
LOL, kimchee juice would be way to rank.
I was just curious if it would still ferment or not. I have enough lacto to use already so not a big deal. Going to ferment some comfrey once my plants get bigger and produce enough leaves.