• Blog your pepper progress. The first image in your first post will be used to represent your Glog.

Aaron's keeping it simple grow

Hello everybody! I am a pepper beginner and this is mainly for my own personal use. I want to see how my plants have transformed over the season in an organized manner and a grow log seems like just the right idea! I am using Juanitos for my seeds this year because I have followed his glogs for as long as I can remember. Since I am starting very late I might as well grab some plants.

April 21, 2016



Plants and seeds have arrived! Shortly after arrival I got the plants into their new homes.


Baccto and Top Notch potting soils are what I have to use since the nursery doesnt have my promix yet. I got all three for 3 bucks at a local nursery because the sides were ripped wide open, I compared the weight to the unopened bags and it was extremely close! What a deal :)


Chocolate Brain Strain and Cardi Scorpion


Biquinho and Scotch Bonnett Brain Strain


Orange Bhut Copenhagen and West Indies Red


These three lucky guys get to take a trip to Alabama!

My plants appear to be having a bit of a struggle right now but I am sure they will perk up in no time.
meinchoh said:
Stick with Dyna-Gro. It's among the best fertilizers out there - you're seeing that  :)
It is keeping the color much darker and I believe these plants are growing much faster than miracle grow and foxfarm something I used in the past. I only wish the gallon was a bit cheaper!
mpicante said:
Good luck on your grow.Everything seems to be going good,your helper is so cute.
Thanks! Unfortunately mr helper prunes a couple seedlings each week but I have plenty, no worries there. It caught me a little when he uprooted my tallest Sandia however... I simply blinked at him while he kept screaming DADA PEPARRR then thanked him and replanted. It grew two extra leaves since then so no harm done I guess haha :P
Canes1 said:
Do you mix it full strength as on the bottle with adult plants?
I am being a bad boy and mixing it full strength with my seedlings too... Right after emergence and transplant to cup. Actually trying to keep it a tad under 1/4 tsp for juniors, may actually be 15/64 per gallon of course haha. Working great on all plants.

I assume the company knows far more than I about their fertilizer so the directions are what I follow until I notice a problem.
May 20,


I have buds on the Chocolate Brainstrain!! :D I may actually let it flower before snipping it off so I can say I had flowers this year ;) My plant is only around a foot tall so I will let it get much larger before I let it bloom fully.

Seedlings are looking great! Red ghost seeds are finally germinating!
June 3rd


The little ones are doing great!


We have had constant rain the last two weeks so they aren't being fertilized as well as they should because I am sure the soil is too wet for watering and it would probably wash out most nutrients...


My chocolate Brainstrain is flowering and with the weather as random as it is I will just let them party.


I have noticed the new growth is rolling up and wrinkling really bad. Temperature had been dropping at night and rain all day so im sure this plays a factor.
These pics were taken after about a week of being away from the house with nobody caring for them.




Chocolate brain strains.


West Indies red habaneros.



My Scorpion as well as Scotch Bonnett brain strains havent done anything. They are tall though and still growing.


Orange ghost


Those six peppers in order.


My babies; Sandia, chocolate habs, white naga viper, red ghost, purple bhut pdn