seeds Accidentally gave seedlings full strength ferts

So yesterday in my rush to make use of the fantastic sunny weather we had, I forgot to dilute my fertiliser to 1/4 strength when I went to water my seedlings.
At the moment, things appear okay. Should I be worried? Would flushing be an option? Should I perhaps repot with fresh soil?
The fertiliser I used is labeled as a mix of organic and inorganic 5-5-5 liquid; the soil is 100% coir. For 10L of water, it calls for 20ml of solution. I do recall using this at full strength for seedlings planted in the ground last year back when I didn't know any better and never had any problems.
Thoughts? Comments? Suggestions?
Oy - yes, flush, flush, flush - and pronto. If they're in small enough containers, wouldn't hurt to change the soil at all.

PS - Planting in the ground is different because you've got a larger area over which the fertilizer can disperse.
Would I have to worry about over watering if I flushed?
And how would you recommend going about it? Top water?
I wouldn't worry about it too much...  just don't use fert next time u water, or the next time after that...  This is JMHO...   
filmost said:
So yesterday in my rush to make use of the fantastic sunny weather we had, I forgot to dilute my fertiliser to 1/4 strength when I went to water my seedlings.
At the moment, things appear okay. Should I be worried? Would flushing be an option? Should I perhaps repot with fresh soil?
The fertiliser I used is labeled as a mix of organic and inorganic 5-5-5 liquid; the soil is 100% coir. For 10L of water, it calls for 20ml of solution. I do recall using this at full strength for seedlings planted in the ground last year back when I didn't know any better and never had any problems.
Thoughts? Comments? Suggestions?
Since it's a mix of organics and salts you probably dont have much to worry about. Just skip ferts the next watering or two.
Over watering is a chronic condition. Flushing wont cause it.
mx5inpa said:
Since it's a mix of organics and salts you probably dont have much to worry about. Just skip ferts the next watering or two.
Over watering is a chronic condition. Flushing wont cause it.
You may be right. At this point I may or may not flush with just water. All the plants save one seem to be doing okay, and the one seems like it might be sunburn instead because I left the plants outside for a few hours the other day when it was warm out (figured real sun light would be better than artificial light).  Is 3-4 hours too long?
Probably not a huge problem... and especially since the dilution ratio that they call for is so large... 20 mls for 10 litres of 5-5-5 sounds like a very gentle fert routine.  As everyone has mentioned... a little flush is the best option to put your mind at ease... Ill bet they will be fine though.  When you say seedlings.. how old are they?

And yes... 3-4 hours is very long for young plants to be exposed to the sun... thats nearly a day of "full sun" which is 6 hours exposure.  The way I ease them into the sun is to start out with 30 mins exposure... repeat the next day...then the next day give them an hour... continue to increase the exposure by half an hour each day until they are up to 5 hours exposure and at that point I will let them enjoy as much sun as they can get.
They are all between 5-6 weeks old.
Noah Yates said:
Probably not a huge problem... and especially since the dilution ratio that they call for is so large... 20 mls for 10 litres of 5-5-5 sounds like a very gentle fert routine.  As everyone has mentioned... a little flush is the best option to put your mind at ease... Ill bet they will be fine though.  When you say seedlings.. how old are they?

And yes... 3-4 hours is very long for young plants to be exposed to the sun... thats nearly a day of "full sun" which is 6 hours exposure.  The way I ease them into the sun is to start out with 30 mins exposure... repeat the next day...then the next day give them an hour... continue to increase the exposure by half an hour each day until they are up to 5 hours exposure and at that point I will let them enjoy as much sun as they can get.
Thanks, from the looks of things today, I think they will be fine too. I think my knee jerk reaction did more damage than good lol. The one seedling I repotted ended up with some damage to its leaves. They are all between 5-7 weeks old.
Thanks for the tips on hardening off. I'll have to figure out a strategy since the only time I can move them around is on the weekends. I might start Friday afternoon when I get home, move them back and forth through the weekend, then end with sticking them by the window for the rest of the week and see what happens.
It doesn't sound like you have a problem. Coco is a very forgiving medium. Should you notice that you have dark brown tips on the leaves you should flush.

Don't worry about over watering in coco. You could pour 2l of water in the pots a day for a week and still not have a problem. Coco will only hold so much water. The rest runs off.

Make sure you feed with every watering. It's also important to use good clean water. Your tap water may be OK. I don't know. I have to use RO water because mine is so bad. You should also pH your water. 5.8 to 6 is ideal.
